Add a "choose a source" option through the app


Add an option in the app to "choose a source" without use the DVR program.
The "M3U Playlist" can import M3U Playlists or specific m3u8 links.

This will be the sources:

You can add the options for free or to buy in the "In‑App Purchase" or for those who subscribe.


That would require a drastic change to the program. Currently all web-based sources (TVE, Locast, and Custom Channels) are run through the DVR server, and then distributed to the clients. There is presently not any way for a client to directly connect to a web-based source.

What about the "GSE SMART IPT‪V‬", VLC, MrMc apps? They can do stream links from the internet.

I don't use them because I love so much the GUI of the channels app and the seamless to my HDHomeRun device.

All of this functionality is in our server. Channels DVR Server is required and thats not something that will change.

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