Add an OTA logo

Is it possible to edit the http://x.x.x.x:8089:devices
And add a logo to a missing ota station with

I have submitted a request with silican dust and they said they can’t get it done.

Don’t know if you can add it on your end or if I can somehow

Guide data comes through just fine and their 4 sub channels have logos. Zap2it is also missing the logo

Can you report it via the link at the bottom of zap2it

I’ll give it a try and if that doesn’t work I guess I’ll have to contact the station. SD’s response:
“We've asked about that for a number of independent stations and our guide provider will not add logos to stations that are not affiliated with a network unless the station submits a request for it”

After being told to pound sand or ignored by silicon dust, zap2it, and the station I’ve figured out what might be a bug that allows the use of a custom logo for a channel that’s missing a logo. I just setup a custom channel m3u text.

  1. I got the Gracenote id by going to http://xxxx:8089/dvr/guide/stations scrolling down to 38.1(pic in post 1)
  2. Create a custom channel, name it, format=mpeg-ts, choose text, prefer channel number from m3u, and leave xmltv guide data blank.
  3. In text box copy and paste code. Then change:
    -yellow highlighted to a local ip that is not being used by any device on your network. Ie.208 on my network is not occupied thus creating a dead link
    -orange highlighted. Is Gracenote id from earlier
    -purple is the channel number of the missing logo.
    -green highlighted is a url to an image you want to use as the logo.
  • change "KMCI2" and KMCI-TV1 to whatever you like to represent the channel. I choose their call sign and added a 2
  1. I have a atsc3 tuner so the second entry is for that. If you don’t have this just delete the second paragraph from the text.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KMCI2" channel-number="38.1" tvg-logo=“” tvc-guide-stationid=34773,tvg-name="KMCI2",KMCI-TV1

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KMCI2" channel-number="138.1" tvg-logo=“” tvc-guide-stationid=34773,tvg-name="KMCI2",KMCI-TV1

  1. Now go to sources and manage lineup and Void out the channel(s).

Done now I have custom logo for a missing ota channel

I was also able to fix missing logos from my remote fed mlb docker similarly. If you want that code let me know.

Replace the first , with a space. Tags are separated by spaces, and only a single comma should be used to separate the tags from the name of the stream.

(Seriously, why are there so many ill-informed posts about M3U playlists on the same day?! There are ample examples on the internet about how an M3U playlist should be formatted, so why are there so many bad posts?!)

It’s malformed on purpose as this is not a working playlist. It is strictly to add a logo to an OTA channel that is not provided by Gracenote. My post is 8 months old and I’ve been told to pound sand on this from everyone including no help from the devs here with a proper way to fix it. So ya I’ll keep my ill advised malformed m3u commas just where they are because it works. And I’ll spread this because someone might want to try it. If it doesn’t work for them it’s pretty easy to delete on the source.

I used your posted content as the basis for my post, but I didn't see anywhere that your post was malformed on purpose. Perhaps I missed that disclaimer.

I did not realize this was an old post that you resurrected until you mentioned it. It showed up in my current feed, so I contributed.

If you don't actually want help, then why post? And if you do, why do you disparage those who offer it?

I guess I'll just stay over here and raise my angry fist at passing clouds ...

um... to offer useful and welcome new information, to those who are seeking similar solutions and workarounds?

I didn't read his response as disparaging at all, he explained himself calmly and well. Your post begged correction though because it was clear you misinterpreted and were ignoring crucial context. And your initial side rant about "ill-informed posts" is what got us here.

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@Fofer @racameron I appreciate both of your contributions to the community. Let’s move on.

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