Is there a way to do this from the guide data? Seems like you should be able to click on the channel number and add it from there but nothing happens when I highlight and click it.
Just wanted to see if this is fixed yet. I can tap on the channel logo (on the guide pag) on my phone and the options appear. The options don’t appear in the Apple TV version of the app.
The best solution IMO is click+hold on the channel logo to be given the option to set as favorite. We already have different action for click/hold for the shows on the guide, while clicking on the channel logo takes us to upcoming shows but has no action for click+hold.
Agreed. Click and hold on the channel logo would be the best way. This way actually works for the iOS channels app. Any way for the devs to add that same feature to the Apple TV app?
'Click and hold + Favorite' only works for me from the 'On Now' section (Android - Shield Pro).
Correct, the suggestion for the devs is to add the same functionality to the guide, which currently only has "click for upcoming shows on this channel" without any click+hold action.
I’d prefer any hypothetical new function to present us with a list of our Channel Collections to add the channel to, because my Favorites are included in that list, and I’d like the flexibility of adding the channel there, or any other Channel Collection I’ve created.
This click + hold functionality from within the guide is desperately needed
I emailed the devs about it. Kind of seemed like that how it’s supposed to work, but just isn’t working for some reason. Hopefully they will fix the issue in the next app update
This should be resolved in the latest TestFlight beta. The context menus are now normalized between iOS and tvOS in the Guide section.
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