Add Fix Video Timestamps to Client Side Recordings

Could you please add an option to add "Fix Video Timestamps" to "More" under "Refresh Metadata" for Recordings?

Sometimes my Recordings get interrupted and the fix is to go into the server side and select Fix Video Timestamps, which corrects the Recording.

This would be extremely useful if it could be added as an option on the Client side.

Thank you.

there should be a Fix Video Timestamp toggle per under show or movie options.

I have the same menu, with no Fix Video Timestamp. It's an option under DVR > Manage > Options

I'm requesting a way to run the Fix Video Timestamp from the Client side.

There’s no plans to add this. This has been brought up and discussed in the past.

Recent changes in the tvOS/iOS client added a “Watch Channel” button to guide modals.

This makes it easier to jump to the airing channel by finding what you want to watch via other means. The Sports section does a good job at this as does the On Later section.

Just a guess but I think you meant to post this reply in a different thread:

Thank you, I was confused by that response.

its under show options, not options in the episode.

I see that but there's no option for Fix Video Timestamp


It wouldn't make any sense to have it under Show Options.
It's supposed to be used as a last ditch recovery effort on a single recording when the developers tell you to use it.

Of course, you could run it on any recording you want, but I personally don't trust it (has ruined a couple of my recordings) and have requested that CDVR makes a backup of the recording before it rewrites timestamps.

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Okay well in my case it would help with the amount it is needed. It's also worked every time.