Can an optional time window be defined on channel collections automatic channels settings? I love this feature, but it bothers me to no end to have to wait for an event to start for the channel to appear in the guide when the filter is applied.
Short answer: No.
The way dynamic collections work is based upon criteria at the moment they are viewed.
A way (sort of) around this is to add (static) channels to the collection that often show the content desired in the category/genre you want.
I am well aware of how and why it works.
It’s not conducive to live event based programming, like with the eplus container.
it would be wonderful if the automatic channels could resolve as not only "current time" but "through the top of the next hour".
say you're wanting to watch a game... and it starts at 7:15pm, but it's 6:56 pm...
you're out of luck. that's what i'm hoping can be addressed.
I realize that the time window appears to be larger in browser than on client apps.
Modifying my feature request to be functional parity of automatic channels in client apps as it is in browser.
Which client app are you referring to?
There’s no plans to add this. This has been brought up and discussed in the past.
Recent changes in the tvOS/iOS client added a “Watch Channel” button to guide modals.
This makes it easier to jump to the airing channel by finding what you want to watch via other means. The Sports section does a good job at this as does the On Later section.
@maddox even though not everyone uses Apple products and there’s a clear disparity in function between the browser and client apps? did you see the screens i attached above your comment?
the only fruity electronics i have in my house are phones. what you said is not a solution for me.
- There's no feature parity between the client and web admin, they're completely different things.
- The screenshot you're showing isn't of a guide, it's an example listing of what to expect your channel collection to look like. A better comparison would be of the actual guide/on now web views. (which appears to have the same bug)
- This is clearly a bug. We'll look into it.
This has been resolved in the latest pre-release server:
Appreciate the support and understanding.