Add NY1 during COVID-19 Crisis?

Spectrum has a "Free Access Pass" feature that allows anyone to stream NY1 for free on their website during the current crisis. Any chance of adding it to TV Everywhere?


This seems like a good idea.

Spectrum uses flash which doesn't work with Channels

Spectrum was supposed to move away from flash as of January 2020 and I can confirm the streams work for me without flash.

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What url are you using and in which browser?

I've just checked and it still requires Adobe Flash on all of my browsers. On iOS it directs to their app.

Hey there,

Just wondering if there were any changes / updates on if one could watch Spectrum NY1 news (with a spectrum log-in) via TVE?

They use DRM and it is not possible to add to Channels. There may be other threads on this subject explaining this in better detail.
