Add search filter to guide

Add a quick search to the guide in iOS app.

  1. Swipe down at top of guide to show search
  2. Search let you quickly filter the guide on channel number or name

Then I can

  • figure out “Do I get station X??”
  • quickly tune to station Y

It might be a cool stretch goal to also be able to filter list on type of channel content like News or Music or Movies or things like that by typing which would allow dynamically filtering on all the available fields without having to setup anything manually.

Why only iOS. People on android might like this feature request too. I can not in good conscience vote yes for this because you are being discriminatory. Wake up man, Its 2023. Some people identify as androids. Lol.

Its a cool idea. I upvoted.

I would love to be able to search for a channel like this from my livingroom. Now I have to run a script from my computer just to find out if I have a specific channels. Upvoted.