Add specific paths in a virtual channel

I just created a virtual channel to create my own Lifetime Movie Network, basically.

I would also like to add a rule so that movies in a specific location be added too. For example, a movie just recorded last night that I edited manually to remove commercials from the video and saved at this location:

I wish there was a rule like:
Path | any | "G:\Plex\Movies/Recorded\Lifetime"

Would you please consider adding this feature? :slight_smile:

This would also come in really handy for trying to create a virtual channel of a bunch of movies shorts, such as Looney Tunes or Tom and Jery, without having to edit a bunch of meta data. Currently none of the available rules allow me to specify just all Looney Tune cartoons or just all Tom and Jerry cartoons. However, since I have organzied them all in a unique path (e.g. Movies/Looney Tunes, Movies/Tom&Jerry), being able to specify the path as a rule would really help me quickly set up a virtual channel.

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We donโ€™t delve into file paths when it comes to rules and meta data. Please utilize Labels to tag certain movies for certain things.

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Thanks for the tip! Labels don't get the love that they deserve. :laughing:

I'm satisfied with this answer. Thank you. :slight_smile:

@maddox the problem is that having to tag hundreds of movies/shorts with labels is very time consuming, especially since there is no multi-select/multi-edit support for movies (see my other feature request). Very good example is when trying to create a virtual channel for something like Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry shorts where there are literally hundreds of titles. Multi-select/multi-edit would go a long way to helping this and not needing the path option.

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:point_up_2: Fair statement.

There is no batch labeling feature that I know of.

You can batch edit labels for episodes, that was added a little while ago. We'll get batch editing of movies in there soon in DVR > Manage.

@maddox I was thinking about this last night. Would it be possible to automatically add labels to content based on something in the name of the file? For example:

8 Ball Bunny (1950) {imdb-tt0042177} {label-Looney Tunes} - 1080p.mkv

no, we won't go down the road of overloading filenames with that kind of metadata.

We have plans to support NFO files later though, which would allow you to provide metadata in flat XML files, per file.

Ok thanks.