Add TheFirst to TVE channels

You can stream from for free and I am pretty sure you can watch it on PlutoTV and their own app. I just want to add it to my Channels DVR lineup to be able to record shows.

Thanks in advance!


Just wanted to try to add TheFirst network to my Channels DVR server again. I was able to figure out how to add it as a Custom Channel and wanted to share for anyone coming across my old request (which never got a response).

This Custom Channel doesn't have (or I couldn't find) a free XMLTV Guide Data source. But that is okay because I mapped to the DirecTV guide for this network.

First, on the Settings page, click on the "+ Add Source" button and then "Custom Channels." Once you are on this dialog box. Use these settings for your Custom Channel,

Nickname: The First TV
Stream Format: HLS
Source: Text
You can edit the desired channel number in this M3U file:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="TheFirst" channel-number="601" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="The First" tvc-guide-title="The First" tvc-guide-description="The Premier network for freedom-minded Americans" tvc-guide-art="",TheFirst


  • Prefer channel number from M3U
  • Prefer channel logos from M3U
  • No stream limit

XMLTV Guide Data: leave as default

Once you have added this, go to Manage Lineup for this source. Click the + to add a provider. Since you want the guide data for this specific network, and I know it's on DirecTV, choose that and then you will want to find Channel 347. This will populate the correct guide data for The First TV and use the channel number you desire, based upon the M3U text data you already pasted.

At least I'm happy and wanted to close the loop on my original request.



Thanks for the easy to follow instructions. My guide was a little messed up but it cleared up after I refreshed the guide data.

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Great Job, thanks for doing it. I got the channel added quick, but it took me a day to get the guide updating.

Yes, I also had an initial issue with the guide data. I thought it was just me. I had Guide data showing, and then a couple of hours later, it was gone. But then I chose to re-download the entire guide database. It has been fine ever since.

I can't pretend to describe the reason for the glitch. But I'm glad you guys were successful.

Back in 2020, I was hoping the developers would add it like many of the TVE bonus channels already available. But it didn't happen.
