Additional Storage Locations for Channels DVR Recordings

Adding the colon didn't work. Still getting error. Must be something different between Mac and Windows I am not understanding.

It does work good for one path. Just can't figure out how to add the second path in Windows.

What about:

curl.exe -XPATCH --data-binary "{"ExtraPaths":"E:\DVR;F:\DVR"}"
curl.exe -XPATCH --data-binary "{\"ExtraPaths\":\"E:/DVR\;F:/DVR\"}"

Thanks everyone. Still no luck though. No matter what I do, I get a "false" return and the following in the log:

[ERR] invalid recorder settings: invalid character ';' after object key:value pair

I tried to escape the ; different ways in the command, but still same error.

People are able to get multiple locations to work in Window right?

Perhaps it could be integrated in the DVR web UI as a Beta, since the unreleased Add Imported Movie Source does it with a native OS directory picker
Screenshot_2020-06-12 Channels DVR

There is a way to do this ... it is documented in some thread but good luck finding it as documentation eventually gets lost in the threads ... there is no central place to look for documentation.

Try this one .... on windows ...

curl.exe -XPATCH --data-binary "{\"ExtraPaths\":\"E:\\DVR;F:\\DVR\"}"

The Above Worked for me ....


This also works ...

curl.exe -XPATCH --data-binary "{\"ExtraPaths\":\"E:/DVR;F:/DVR\"}"

That did it! I would have sworn I tried this way before, but tried again after the post and this time it worked. I must have typed something wrong and just missed my mistake.

Thank you all for the ideas!

This is available in the latest pre-release, under DVR Database > Storage Paths


And it works :ok_hand:


Was able to move Shows to both additional storage and everything played ... thanks.

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Hm that doesn't look right. Did you add those both via the web UI?

Can you submit diagnostics.

There should be two extra lines, one for each path.

Since he appears to be running on Windows, does he need to use a semicolon for separator instead of colon?

Quoting and Escaping on multiple OS's. That's why it's so much easier when the UI can pick for you.

Yes both added by UI and they work.


Please upgrade to new build, then try removing and readding those two paths again

Looks better ....


I assume this is a beta build. How do I get that for Mac as I'd like to try this out?

Can anyone help with this question?

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The DVR server pre-releases are the same, regardless of platform.

Updates to the pre-release must be manually checked for. You do this from the Settings page of the DVR web UI by either Shift+Clicking or Click-and-Hold the Check For Updates button under the current DVR version number.

You can also PUT to the /updater/check/prerelease endpoint of your DVR server.

You could of saved yourself 2 days

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