Advanced Pass for College Basketball- What Condition for team names?

I want to set up a pass for "College Basketball" games, but only if they involve one of about a dozen teams. I'm assuming that the "Title" of a game would be either "Men's College Basketball" or "Women's College Basketball", but for the specific team name matches do I use "EpisodeTitle", "EventTitle", "Tag" or something else?

The simplest way is to create a "Team Pass" for each team you are interested in.

  1. Perform a search for the team name.
  2. If any games appear in the results, click on one of them.
  3. That should take you to a page with a button near the top labeled "Create Team Pass". Click it.

It would be possible to combine all of the passes into a single pass using the "TeamIDs CONTAINS nnnn" criteria, but I know of no easy way to get all of the team IDs.

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There's got to be an easier way. There are at least a dozen teams for which I would like to record their games and they have separate ID's for each sport. That's a lot of TeamIDs to keep track of and is there any guarantee they don't change?

I saw somewhere that "EventTitle" contains the information like "Boston University at UCLA", so I'm going to see if I can create an Advanced Pass that includes conditions such as Event contains College Basketball and EventTitle contains UCLA.

Yep - that seems to work so far.

Yes, Gracenote (our guide provider) has stable Team IDs. If they didn't, nothing would work.

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There’s nothing to keep track of. Just find your team/sport, click Create Pass, done.

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Just don’t expect a team pass to record a game from the eplus tv docker if you use that as a source. I’m guessing teamid is not included in his guide data.

Yes, these will only work with Gracenote backed guide data.

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I appreciate the ease and convenience of setting up a pass with a Team/Sport ID and I'm sure I'll use that in the future now that I know about it. In this case I just set up an Advanced Pass with the conditions Event contains College Basketball and a number of EventTitle contains [school name] (or "at [school name]" for only their home games) and it seems to be doing what I was looking for.

Thanks all.

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