Advanced Pass Re-record deleted episodes not working

Recorded this episode with the pass.
Insane Pools: Off the Deep End - S03E05 - Top of the Mountain (ProgramID EP021062420033)
Deleted the episode and emptied the trash.
It's still listed in as "EP021062420033":"recorded-2276"
When I do a search or bring up the guide, it shows as being recorded.
Even after pausing and unpausing the pass.

So file 2276 is definitely deleted?

Yes, didn't get a response so I've moved on to trying other ideas and deleted the pass.
It happened with three recordings from the pass, so just figured it doesn't work without a series id in the pass.
I manually marked the first one as not recorded from the guide and used curl -v -XDELETE http://x:8089/dvr/programs/EP# for the other two.

Not that it really matters, but here are the three recorded from the pass.
All of the recording files were trashed and emptied and the files json doesn't exist for them.

ProgramID      JobID         FileID    Recorded filename
EP025346310062 1625101200-83 file-2273 Holmes & Holmes S05E05 The Toxic Townhouse 2021-06-30-1800.mpg
EP021062420033 1625187600-83 file-2276 Insane Pools Off the Deep End S03E05 2018-07-13 Top of the Mountain 2021-07-01-1800.mpg
EP022639430012 1625274000-83 file-2278 Beachfront Bargain Hunt Renovation S01E12 2016-09-10 FullOn FixerUpper in StPete Beach Florida 2021-07-02-1800.mpg

Had it happen again with an advanced pass using only Title CONTAINS.

When is Re-record deleted supposed to work?

Only reason I'm trying these is to figure out when it does and doesn't work.
Assume some recent changes affect this because I thought what I'm doing worked before?