Advanced Passes - Error when trying to skip recordings

I have some advanced passes set up, and sometimes they trigger on multiple channels. There is not a reliable way I can find to exclude duplicate channels since they are not always on the same channels.

My plan was to go into the scheduled recordings and skip the duplicate airings. One of two things happens when I do this: Sometimes, it says 'Skipped' and remains in the list. Or, more often, it disappears from the list. But as soon as I refresh, they are back and scheduled to record.

How can I reliably skip episodes picked up from the Advanced Passes?

Thank you!

Update. I was playing around, and went to the Calendar screen. I clicked on the recording there to skip and got a wall of an error message. This only happens when I try to skip the ones that "disappeared" in the scheduled recordings list. When I skip the ones that actually work and let me skip it, it works as intended. I think this is the cause for the skip not working, but I don't know what the fix is:

A Javascript error has occurred!

Please refresh the browser after reporting this issue on Channels Community or to [email protected] and include a description of what you did before the error occurred.

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'n.Airing.Tags')













I think it was fixed in the pre-releases here...

Just so you are aware.
When you mark an airing as skipped, it will never record that episode/game/movie/special again.
It's like saying you already recorded it.

Was not always that way. You used to be able to skip just that single airing.


That's what I thought all this time!

So this means that if you want to skip one particular airing and want to record it later instead, you have to mark the earlier one as skipped and manually select the later one to record?

If my understand is correct.
I'm not sure anymore. That's making me rethink life now. :laughing:

I was not aware of this since I have 4 ADB tuner devices and 5 Premium Channels ... I have had to skip recordings due to conflicts/which Channels does not handle ... in order to record the ones I want. I thought it would skip that particular recording and reschedule if it airs again. SMH. Good thing I prune deleted and regenerate DB occasionally.

Now I'm considering doing this too.
What are the scripted steps again?

I always check first via my batch file to make sure all directories used by Channels DVR are accessible or else you might prune all lol.

CD /d "%~dp0"
if not exist W:\DVR exit
if not exist "\\EDSYNOLOGY\Imports\ChannelsDVR" exit
if not exist "\\MYCLOUDPR4100\MyShares\Imports\ChannelsDVR" exit
curl -XPUT
curl -XPOST
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Ouch, that wouldn't be pretty, and that would make a very unhappy family! :laughing:

Thanks! :smiley:

One time i did this and my NAS was doing an upgrade and I had no check and all went to trash... so I had to restore one at a time.