Advanced Passes Padding

I'm trying to understand padding on advanced passes. It seems logical to me that the first padding box should be set in reference to the start time of the matched program and the second padding box should be set in reference to the end time of the program. So, if you wanted to start the recording at 10:05 (5 min late) for a program that aired at 10:00, you'd put "5 min after" in the first padding box. What about the second padding box? Is this padding from the end of the program? So, if you only wanted to record 5 min of that show (stop it at 10:10), would you set the second padding value to -1200 min, which would be 20 min before, with "before" meaning the "before the end of the show"?

All correct except entering custom values, like -1200 is in seconds. not minutes.
20 minutes is (20 * 60) 1200 seconds.

Try it. You can always go back and edit it.

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Oh. Yeah. Sorry. -1200 min was a typo. Thanks.

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