Advanced Passes Time Condition Not Working

I have a couple of advanced passes that specify the time the show starts to prevent duplicate recordings. These have worked perfectly for months but now the only way I can get the program to record is if I delete the "time" condition. I have tried specifying the time in various ways but nothing has done the trick.

What have I missed?

Does the DVR settings page show the correct time zone?


How are you specifying the time condition? I have found sometimes it can be particular about how it is specified.

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Nope. It was UTC. I just finished migrating all my servers to Docker/Compose. The Docker install instructions did not include the line:

  - TZ=America/New_York

I'm sure UTC was default. Interesting that my other recordings happened on time and even the onscreen clock was correct. They must be pulling time from elsewhere.

I've been putting off moving to full Docker for a while but am really glad I did. Thanks for your help!


I might have missed something because I’m far from a Docker expert, but the time zone setting should probably be added to the install instructions.

Along the same lines, the recommended restart setting:

restart: on-failure:10

Did not start the server on system reboot for me.

Maybe the common “unless-stopped” might be preferable.

My two cents.

Good point.
The website docs say --restart=on-failure:10
But the Docker repository says --restart=unless-stopped

Like you, I found out Docker uses UTC time so I add the TZ env var to all my containers.

Yeah maybe a revision would help noobs like me.

What platform are you running Docker on?
I ask because it works on my Synology's

I’m running Ubuntu Linux default Docker install with Compose.

Any setting that you want to ensure is set on your PC, it's a good idea to set those variables in your container. TZ and LANG are always good to set on every container, and helps to cut off easily avoided errors.

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Totally sold on the Docker approach though. I can stand up my stacks for Channels, Home Assistant, nods-red, and (sadly, still, Plex) with ease. And backup and recovery should be a breeze.

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Thanks. Learning.

I just setup an older model lenovo mini desktop with Ubuntu Server and also forgot to set the time zone. I only use it as a backend to Share the tuners so it did not affect anything as it has no passes.... but definitely making a note to set TZ and language.

Taking the plunge into Linux first time ever setting it up.

I’ve been in IT for a while and have been running all flavors of servers for decades. I haven’t had a lot of crashes that I can attribute to any OS. Usually a hardware or software failure. I prefer Linux because the price can’t be beat and most variants are very efficient in terms of overhead. And personally, I find the open source community a lot easier to deal with than the corporate overloads.

I think you will find your time investment worth it.