Advanced search

This is already available. Navigate to DVR > Passes > :gear: > :heavy_plus_sign: New Advanced Pass in the DVR web UI. Then under the Conditions, you can add match rules for Categories, Genres, Cast, and myriad other metadata.

If I remember correctly, Advanced Passes have been around from the DVR’s beginning.

EDIT: Advanced passes were always available, but some new metadata to use as conditions were added 18 months ago.

Yes, yes! It is there. It is a little tricky to use which is why I couldn't get it to work initially. After typing in the name you have to hit enter to save it. Sooo happy. Thanks for pointing this out!

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If I'm not mistaken, when you use more than one condition, they must all be true at the same time (i.e. the DVR uses the "AND" operator between them).

For example:




So I think the OP has a valid point. I actually found this thread after doing a search because I was going to request this feature too.
I wish there was an option to choose "OR" between conditions.

Just added my vote for this feature. :slight_smile:

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Wildcards would be helpful in creating advanced passes.