Advice on DVR Storage Media maintenance

I'm using a 1TB SSD for recordings and I noticed the older recordings are pausing for a long time before playing.

I've had this SSD in service for a long time (years) on Channels and I'm wondering if it is due for some first aid?

I had in mind copying the existing recordings to another drive temporarily and then reformatting the SSD.

Or am I up a wrong tree?

Reformatting a SSD is the worst thing you can do.
Top 7 Tips to Get the Most from your SSDs

Download a program like CrystalDiskInfo and you can see what is going on.

You also said you had the SSD for many years, check the manufacturer's suggested lifespan for the drive.

Unfortunately, the advice you linked is for write problems and he is having read issues. Over time, SSDs can start to exhibit issues reading data. If the drive is reaching the point where writes are failing, then it needs to be replaced. If this is not the case, then rewriting the data can resolve the issue. This will be a temporary fix as the drive is likely to ware out soon. Because of this, it's probably best to get a new drive and copy the data to it while it's still possible.

Check to make sure TRIM is enabled

I checked that and it is on for the Mac Mini by default as it has SSD memory and I'm pretty sure it is on for all SSD drives? It doesn't list external SSD drive TRIM status - or if it does, I can't find it

Interesting....I created a folder on my NAS server and copied the DVR files from the SSD to the NAS. I then tried to temporarily set the NAS to the default DVR storage but I couldn't do it. There is no wastebasket next to the SSD drive and if I try to use the Mac drive first aid utility it fails (says it can't unmount the drive). I think it is locked in use by channels???

Eventually I shut down the computer and reformatted the SSD. Before I formatted it -- it was showing only half of the 1TB as available and there were no files !! But the First Aid was showing good.

I'm copying the backup back to the newly formatted SSD and I think it will be Okay again.

Most brands have software that will report the health of your ssd. Try loading it and see what it has to say.

Good luck!

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