Allow Hide Timeline for Sports non-event Category

I guess I could, but would need to do it every time one of these types of shows records. Unless there's a way to automate it that I'm unaware of.

I went in and marked a show as sports and the timeline is still showing when seeking. Is there some other way to accomplish what you suggest. I really want the timeline hidden or more transparent so I can see what's going on behind it while seeking.

Only when I hide the timeline for everything does it actually hide.

You need to make the Category Sports event.

will I need to do that for every recording or if I edit the metadata for the show will it stick for future recordings in a pass?

Right now, if you set it on the TV Show, your show will show up in the Sports section. But you'll have to set it for each recording for them to show in the list of recent recordings.

This will change very soon with an update we have planned which will have episodes (recordings and imports) adopt all the categories and genres that are set on a TV Show, when they are originally added to the library (recorded or imported).

This means you'll be able to just set it on the TV Show, and all new episodes will get set too.

So, not that convenient right now, but it will be later. Your scenario is exactly one of the cases driving this improvement that is coming.

Thanks, good to know. Non-event sports shows on ESPN and the like always have stuff on the bottom third of the screen that gets covered by the timeline while seeking, so the ability to turn that off will be great. But I don't want it off for everything else, just sports related stuff.

I saw the pre-release update that supposedly added this feature, but it's not working for me. I'm on latest pre-release. I have to manually add the Sports Event category still.

For new recordings it should be automatically applied. Is this what you’re not seeing?

Existing recordings will not automatically inherit the category if you set it in the show after they already exist.

The inheritance happens when the items first appear in your library.

Correct that’s a new recording in progress. It did not inherit the categories of the show that I set last week.

Please submit diagnostics from your Channels DVR Server web admin.

Submitted. This was both Gameday and SEC Nation on Saturday morning.


Your diagnostics don't include the shows you're saying aren't doing the proper behavior.

Please submit diagnostics when you see this again, but without deleting the offending items.

I thought that might happen. Both are scheduled to record tomorrow. I'll resubmit then.

New logs: 31e269e4-086c-4629-84c9-a663cb5ebfd4

Checking during the recording, the categories were not applied, but now that the recording is completed, the categories are applied. So it looks like it happens once the recording is completed?

Yep. Ok so it sounds like it’s working.

So it doesn’t inherit the categories until after the recording is completed? Then I’d ask again to allow hiding the timeline during Sports Non-Events as well since the majority of sports shows have tickers and other info at the bottom of the screen that gets covered by the timeline while scrubbing. Adding a sports event category every time something is being watched while it’s also being recorded isn’t practical.

Currently it applies the inherited metadata as a post recording operation.

I’ll look to see if moving it to when it starts is possible.

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OK, as of the latest pre-release, recordings will inherit the metadata when the recording is started, not just when it finishes.

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Thank you.

lol, came across this and had to share :joy: