Sports Ticker Blurr Bar

Maybe I am the only one but I record a lot of sporting events to watch later. The most annoying part about sports is the ticker that runs across the bottom of the screen which typically spoils scores of other games that I plan on watching. Currently I put a strip of painters tape across the bottom of my tablet when traveling to avoid my eyes from glancing at this scrolling ticker bar.

Could we get a feature that would allow turning on some sort of BLURR over the bottom of the playback video hopefully blocking this ticker bar from spoiling other game scores?

This would be awesome. I have to do something similar to avoid spoilers.

You could probably use something like MCEBuddy or Handbrake to crop out the bottom line instead. Not too sure there's a tool out there that'll let you add a black line to the bottomline without reencoding the video.

Alternatively, you could use kodi to set up custom zoom settings that'll crop out the bottom line

This applies to watching sports live too though. If this interesting feature request were ever to be implemented, ideally it would be a blur bar overlay that could be toggled on/off by the viewer for ANY playback, recorded, time-shifted or live.


A toggle would be great! Live, Recorded, sports non-sports just a toggle option to blur the bottom of the screen is exactly the option I would love!

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I am gonna vote +1 on this request also. I record plenty of shows off the Weather Channel and I do not need to be seeing the weather conditions for 2 years ago displayed.

Though I think this would be fairly doable for the devs to implement on live/time shifted display (I actually think there have been bugs over the years that have inadvertently covered portions of the screen), I think recordings would be a much more difficult beast. For one thing I can see it causing problems with commercial detection. For a second thing, I fear the devs would make it a Channels Purple color which would drive me nuts :stuck_out_tongue:.

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My idea would have it as a blurred watermark that works independent from the recording. A toggle where you can enable the blurr bar watermark or disable it when viewing all, either live or recorded. (If that makes sense)

Maybe even easier would be to allow “locking” the channel description bar to “always show” which then would hide that pesky sports ticker.

If the image works below just create an option for the bottom info bar to “lock” or always show.


Another +1 vote here

this covers up WAY too much of the screen

agreed, but for a quick fix that might be able to be implemented this football season I would take it while they work for a better solution.

How about for a quick-and-dirty "zoom mode" that would magnify the screen a bit and hide the ticker on the bottom of the screen that's spoiling scores of games you're hoping to time shift? Just a brainstorm:

I would be down for this as long as it did not distort or zoom out most of the field play.

lol... look at what I just came across. I have no words :joy:


Dude! I made this for free last year when channels wouldn’t take this request seriously enough and give it to us. Haha

I could have been rich had I patented it!

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