Allow TV shows to record seasons into sub-folders

All my pre-existing media is organized like share/TV/Show/Season/Episode

For example: \\Zulu\TV\Battlestar Galactica (2003)\Season 1\Battlestar Galactica (2003) - S01E01 - 33.mkv

New recordings (that Channels DVR records) are like: \\Zulu\TV\Band of Brothers\Band of Brothers - S1E1 - Currahee.mp4

For OTHER clients that might browse my share, I would vastly prefer an option in Channels DVR to create recordings in a Season specific folder.

Could we get that as an option, pretty please?

I can, of course, manually relocate things into folders after they're moved from the Channels DVR recording directory to my media server's storage, but then Channels DVR will have to reindex them again.

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There’s no plans to change the directory structure of recordings.

If you’d like them organized a specific way, move ahead with your idea regarding or organizing them manually. You can easily import them back in as personal media.

Couldn't hurt to ask...