An easy way for Channels DVR to watch YouTube Live vids

You're already watching one of them.

That /live redirect only works for youtube accounts that have a single Live stream.
Doesn't work on others like SkyNews, SpaceX, etc. that have more than one.

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Ah, thanks. Must be my mistake, or the syntax changed, because I was trying:

Regardless, I don't think the Kister Method can work with the corrected address either anyway, as the Kister Method's syntax specifically requires a vid_id in the URL.

Cool, thanks. It’s working great.

Now I dare you to make it easier a create a gui on your site with selectable variables and settings! :wink::grin:


is there a possibility to add something and streams to be automatically mute?
Strange, i try streams on omxplayer on raspberry pi, it worked for a couple of minutes, and then just turn off.



I never knew about that. I obviously have no experience with it, but it should be super simple to support. I added a hack to make @ usernames work just like vid_id, except the script will automatically add /live to the end.

Brand new code, I don't know how it will behave when twit is not streaming/live.


Some of the confusion stems from a different thread where @Steffi_333 had been trying to address an issue with FAR more frequent timeouts (like every few hours.) That thread was closed as it wasn't about Channels DVR. Youtube to m3u - #3 by Stefi_333

Still not about Channels DVR. As you were told by one of the developers and administrator of this forum, this is off-topic, and your questions about other applications belong elsewhere. Please don't get this thread locked too :pray:

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Wow, this is awesome! Thanks so much. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. Super cool, I'm learning a lot from this and appreciate you sharing.

I :heart: The Kister Method.

Nice! It works.


Ok, its not about Channels Dvr, i understand.
I dont get my threat locked, my opinion is that is you.
But ok, i understand, thanks!!!

Any ideas why this request to twit is failing?
2023/02/28 23:52:08.062967 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch13: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: get 429 Too Many Requests
2023/02/28 23:52:08.166412 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch13-dANY-ip192.168.1.10: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: get 429 Too Many Requests
2023/02/28 23:52:08.166412 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch13-dANY-ip192.168.1.10

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Just as a data point, I just tested and my TWiT livestream via the Kister Method is working fine. Hmm.

I don't have anything that I can think of that would generate any 429. And I don't relay any error that youtube sends. Do you happen to use a proxy server or VPN ?

25 posts were split to a new topic: TWiT XMLTV guide data

Can we do 4k streams? It seems it tops at 1080p for this video

It should if/when youtube allows 4k streaming to web browers. I think they only allow it to the youtube apps right now.

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Still loving the Kister Method, one of my favorite use cases is setting up Channels as a jukebox of some favorite YouTube Live streams (lo-fi music, in this example.) I realize this is a niche case but maybe others are interested to learn from it. And if there's a reason this happens, perhaps it can be addressed. Anyway, when I first set these up as custom channels, everything works perfectly and the display even includes the proper emoji in the descriptions:

Then, I'll notice, some days later, that all emojis are lost and it's just some odd characters in its place.

I'm not sure what triggers it to display properly again, sometimes a reboot, but not always.

Anyway, not a big deal but certainly curious, as it does display nicely at first. And everything else about it works amazingly well, and quickly. Super slick, thanks again @jkister!

Also here is the URL for some of the 24/7 music livestreams included above, for use as the Custom Channel, if it inspires any.,c=60005&v=bLlloaA4b4g,c=60006&v=WIU-A596KKU,c=60007&v=@thebootlegboy2,c=60008&v=8YA825ZNAIE,c=60009

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Looks like this response header:

Content-Type: application/; charset=ISO-8859-1

It would be preferable if the contents were served up as UTF-8



Wow! Amazing. I’m so grateful. This exchange made my day. Thank you both. Rock stars!