Android Beta v2.1.22

Version 104032023

I know some log changes were made so now it's not reporting anything when I try thru my web brower.

2.1.21-v104022138 (104022138 dvr)
HDHomeRun CONNECT (10481E46) [channels=27, ip=, auth=iKSH-KgJ_0Iin753s_ipIcBN], HDHomeRun CONNECT (10486549) [channels=27, ip=, auth=BEZksN94cr1Y7w5Lpq1wTykh], FuboTV (TVE-Fubo) [channels=120, ip=null, auth=null]
DVR Status(os=android, arch=arm64, version=2020.04.04.0202, subscription=active, username=jpblanch75, features=Features(bonjour=true, dvr=true, guide=true))
en_US America/New_York
SDK 9 (28) armeabi-v7a, armeabi
NET eth0 = [/fe80::75e4:c2ce:5c82:453c%eth0, /]

--------- beginning of main
04-05 11:08:13.775  6272  6272 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-05 11:20:24.489  6272 13238 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:20:26.748  6272 13238 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:20:28.122  6272 13238 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:20:39.914  6272  6280 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-05 11:20:39.916  6272  6280 I chatty  : uid=10150( FinalizerDaemon identical 1 line
04-05 11:20:39.916  6272  6280 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-05 11:21:04.242  6272 13251 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:21:17.121  6272  6280 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-05 11:21:20.427  6272 13257 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:21:42.535  6272  6280 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-05 11:25:03.948  6272 13882 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:25:07.979  6272 13882 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log
04-05 11:25:39.784  6272  6280 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-05 11:25:39.784  6272  6280 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-05 11:27:43.646  6272 13934 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log

This works fine for me. Were you using the player while hitting the logs url?

Yes, I even cleared the data in case that was screwed up. I haven't restarted the TV though, I could try that.

Edit: Yup, that was it. I had to restart the TV. :man_shrugging:t2:

On latest Beta (v104042338) and it happened on the previous beta....
There are times where I can't go into certain section off the menu. For example if I gomto video I can't his the right arrown to go into it. If impress ok is goes but that it bounces right back to the menu on the left every time I press ok. :man_shrugging:t2: I have to Force close the app for it to work correctly again.

Here is the log when that happened.

04-06 00:37:44.789  9785  9793 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-06 00:38:00.031  9785  9865 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:38:00.054  9785  9865 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:40:00.048  9785  9865 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:40:00.065  9785  9865 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:40:56.343  9785  9785 V GuideFragment: onResume
04-06 00:40:56.737  9785  9785 V DVRListRowFragment: onResume
04-06 00:40:56.737  9785  9785 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:40:57.805  9785  9785 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:40:57.806  9785  9785 V ScheduleFragment: onResume
04-06 00:40:57.927  9785  9793 W System  : A resource failed to call end. 
04-06 00:40:58.322  9785  9785 W SoundPool: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
04-06 00:40:58.322  9785  9785 W SoundPool: See the documentation of SoundPool() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
04-06 00:40:58.333  9785  9785 V SearchFragment: onResume
04-06 00:40:58.346  9785  9785 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
04-06 00:40:58.347  9785 14917 D MtkACodecPlugin: MtkACodecPlugin createAPlugin
04-06 00:40:58.348  9785 14921 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
04-06 00:40:58.355  9785 14921 D MtkMediaCodecPlugin: No surfaceTextureClient, [] set mOutputPath = 1024 L(158)
04-06 00:40:58.386  9785 14917 D MediaCodec: mState = 0, mHaveKick = 0, L(711)
04-06 00:40:58.386  9785 14917 D MtkACodecPlugin: MtkACodecPlugin destoryAPlugin
04-06 00:40:58.819  9785  9785 V PlayerSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:40:59.103  9785  9785 V DVRSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:40:59.345  9785  9785 V AboutFragment: onResume
04-06 00:41:00.219  9785  9785 V DVRSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:41:01.637  9785  9785 V PlayerSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:41:02.750  9785  9785 V DVRSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:41:03.754  9785  9785 V PlayerSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:41:05.898  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{10152fe V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:05.898  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{34dea5f VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:07.348  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{10152fe V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:07.349  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{34dea5f VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:10.598  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{10152fe V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:10.598  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{34dea5f VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:11.232  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{10152fe V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:11.232  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{34dea5f VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:11.881  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{10152fe V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:11.881  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{34dea5f VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:12.648  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{10152fe V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:12.649  9785  9785 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{34dea5f VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:41:32.381  9785 14931 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log

This was after Force stopping then clearing data. :man_shrugging:t2:

2.1.22.beta-v104042338 (104042338 dvr)
HDHomeRun CONNECT (10486549) [channels=27, ip=, auth=zi_RfeDnt-gxfE7j8iTuCUiO], HDHomeRun CONNECT (10481E46) [channels=27, ip=, auth=xFYt_nDOJHZaPjT4FEATShR1], FuboTV (TVE-Fubo) [channels=120, ip=null, auth=null]
DVR Status(os=android, arch=arm64, version=2020.04.05.2325, subscription=active, username=jpblanch75, features=Features(bonjour=true, dvr=true, guide=true))
en_US America/New_York
SDK 9 (28) armeabi-v7a, armeabi
NET eth0 = [/fe80::75e4:c2ce:5c82:453c%eth0, /]

--------- beginning of main
04-06 00:48:22.652 15212 15212 W Using default instruction set features for ARM CPU variant (cortex-a9) using conservative defaults
04-06 00:48:22.654 15212 15212 E Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-06 00:48:22.698 15212 15212 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-06 00:48:22.700 15212 15212 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-06 00:48:22.718 15212 15212 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
04-06 00:48:22.725 15212 15212 D Sentry  : Auto-init: false
04-06 00:48:22.725 15212 15212 I Sentry  : Retrieving auto-init from AndroidManifest.xml
04-06 00:48:22.756 15212 15212 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics version 2.0.5
04-06 00:48:22.756 15212 15212 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful.
04-06 00:48:22.774 15212 15212 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics Core
04-06 00:48:23.002 15212 15262 V mpv     : event: idle
04-06 00:48:23.004 15212 15212 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
04-06 00:48:23.020 15212 15262 V mpv     : property: pause = false
04-06 00:48:23.069 15212 15262 V mpv     : property: track-list has 0 entries
04-06 00:48:23.208 15212 15212 V DVR     : Discovery started for _channels_dvr._tcp.
04-06 00:48:23.218 15212 15212 V ChannelsApp: Lifecycle.ON_START
04-06 00:48:23.223 15212 15212 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-06 00:48:23.255 15212 15212 V ChannelsApp: HDMI available=true channels=8 encodings=[2, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 18, 7, 8, 17]
04-06 00:48:23.293 15212 15277 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
04-06 00:48:23.294 15212 15277 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
04-06 00:48:23.294 15212 15277 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
04-06 00:48:23.295 15212 15277 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
04-06 00:48:23.306 15212 15277 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
04-06 00:48:23.317 15212 15277 D gralloc : MTK MALI GRALLOC Module v1.0
04-06 00:48:23.320 15212 15277 E ion     : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
04-06 00:48:23.443 15212 15291 V DVR     : serviceAdded: shield (_channels_dvr._tcp.local.)
04-06 00:48:23.445 15212 15291 V DVR     : serviceResolved: shield = / (version: 2020.04.05.2325, arch: arm64, os: android)
04-06 00:48:23.448 15212 15291 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.449 15212 15291 V DVR     : Discovery stopped for _channels_dvr._tcp.
04-06 00:48:23.473 15212 15212 V DVRClient: Status(os=android, arch=arm64, version=2020.04.05.2325, subscription=active, username=jpblanch75, features=Features(bonjour=true, dvr=true, guide=true))
04-06 00:48:23.474 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.510 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.511 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.512 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.513 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.514 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.514 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.515 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.595 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.596 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:23.816 15212 15276 V HDHR    : found 2 devices [timeout=250]
04-06 00:48:23.843 15212 15276 V HDHR    : Device(deviceID=10481E46, deviceAuth=xFYt_nDOJHZaPjT4FEATShR1, deviceAuthTime=1586148503817, ipAddress=, tunerCount=2, isLegacy=false, friendlyName=, firmwareName=hdhomerun4_atsc, firmwareVersion=20200225, modelNumber=HDHR4-2US, channels=[], isPlusBased=false)
04-06 00:48:23.867 15212 15276 V HDHR    : Device(deviceID=10486549, deviceAuth=zi_RfeDnt-gxfE7j8iTuCUiO, deviceAuthTime=1586148503845, ipAddress=, tunerCount=2, isLegacy=false, friendlyName=, firmwareName=hdhomerun4_atsc, firmwareVersion=20200225, modelNumber=HDHR4-2US, channels=[], isPlusBased=false)
04-06 00:48:24.751 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:24.775 15212 15294 V DVRClient: jsonpipe connected: 2020.04.05.2325
04-06 00:48:25.716 15212 15212 V MainActivity: intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 bnds=[607,257][863,447] }
04-06 00:48:26.048 15212 15212 V OnNowFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:26.377 15212 15300 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:48:26.497 15212 15305 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:48:26.728 15212 15300 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:48:27.808 15212 15212 V GuideFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:27.823 15212 15298 W ExifInterface: Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
04-06 00:48:28.552 15212 15212 V DVRListRowFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:28.553 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:28.847 15212 15212 V HTTP    : Requesting
04-06 00:48:28.849 15212 15212 V ScheduleFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:29.341 15212 15212 W SoundPool: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
04-06 00:48:29.341 15212 15212 W SoundPool: See the documentation of SoundPool() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
04-06 00:48:29.353 15212 15212 V SearchFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:29.360 15212 15212 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
04-06 00:48:29.385 15212 15328 D MtkACodecPlugin: MtkACodecPlugin createAPlugin
04-06 00:48:29.388 15212 15331 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
04-06 00:48:29.390 15212 15331 D MtkMediaCodecPlugin: No surfaceTextureClient, [] set mOutputPath = 1024 L(158)
04-06 00:48:29.429 15212 15328 D MediaCodec: mState = 0, mHaveKick = 0, L(711)
04-06 00:48:29.430 15212 15328 D MtkACodecPlugin: MtkACodecPlugin destoryAPlugin
04-06 00:48:29.837 15212 15212 V PlayerSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:30.152 15212 15212 V DVRSettingsFragment: onResume
04-06 00:48:33.066 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:33.066 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:33.999 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:34.000 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:34.716 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:34.716 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:35.516 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:35.517 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:36.283 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:36.283 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:37.033 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:37.033 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:37.799 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:37.799 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:38.582 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{78f8e15 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:48:38.582 15212 15212 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by{ea8152a VFED..... ......ID 56,0-1888,1080 #7f0b0291 app:id/settings_list} during layout: running second layout pass
04-06 00:49:07.765 15212 15343 V ApiServer: REQUEST: GET /log

Keeps happening.... I had to stop using it.

@tmm1 Can you fix this? It's only on 2.1.22

@tmm1 Latest update did not fix this and 2.1.21 is fine.

I think I figured out where it fails.... If I am going up and down the menu and as soon as I select search the Voice command kicks in. If I scroll fast by it it gets caught enabling the voice search and breaks the whole menu until I got back to search and let the auto voice finish.

This does not happen with V2.1.21. I can reproduce it every time with v2.1.22.

This happened to me once but I cannot reproduce again. When I start the app fresh it works fine. How do you make it happen?

I see, good find!

1 Like

Was your last update intended to fix this?

No, the release notes will mention what changed and what had been fixed.

Yea I was thinking that, but it just said another rare bug which generalizes the last few releases. That's why I asked.

This should be fixed in the latest beta.