Android TV Feature Request (keymaps)

So I finally got around to programming these last night to one of my universal remotes, and Channel up/down, Last Channel and Commercial Skip all work as intended. Thank you! Hopefully future upgrades will add in direct number keying and some of the shortcuts suggested in the first post.

However, I did detect a minor bug:

If Page Up or Page Down is pressed while in playing back a DVR recording, the Channels app immediately crashes. These buttons aren’t used in this context, but I’m sure you don’t want the app to crash if someone presses them by mistake…

I’ve submitted logs (last night) after the crash.

Are you sure this still happens with v1.0.6 from yesterday?

I programmed my remote around 9pm Eastern time and tried it. I hadn’t checked what version I was running, but will do when I get home. I have my shield set to autoupdate apps, so should have been whatever was current in playstore as of that time (and I’m a beta tester)…

1.06 installed. Bug no longer present. Thanks

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So after reading this, it seems that the better option to go with is the IR adapter for the shield to get the extra commands. Is that correct? I would like to program my remote for the page up/down, have a guide button, DVR button. Is this a correct assumption?


I use a FLIRC on my Shields.

Is there a command that gets to dvr or guide?

@tmm1 Do you currently have a keyboard command to record a show?

I would like to map my remote's record button to MEDIA_RECORD using FLIRC, but it does not seem to do anything while in Channels DVR Beta on Android TV.

Expected behavior would be:

  • Begin recording show when in live view
  • Begin recording show when in grid view (of highlighted program)
  • Schedule recording of show when in grid view (of future show, if not live)

Long press could bring up Recording Options dialogue (Record, Record with Options, Create Pass).

KEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD should work in the player

I have a FLIRC and no longer use it, much prefer the responsiveness of a Bluetooth or even a WiFi remote with plug in dongle. IR is so yesterday.

I wish Channels had a way to assign command to keys or learn.

I need the FLIRC because I use a lot of keystrokes when watching SageTV and others. Plus I was able to use my old remotes from DirecTV. Some in my Household have a hard time with small remotes. The Shield remotes are just too simple.

I just ordered this one as an Nvidia Shield replacement. If it works as advertised, it could be the ultimate remote for the Shield.

That looks good... I might give it a try.

This is the one I use with my Flirc for those that have trouble with small remotes ... Also controls sounds system and TV. They are unbreakable.

@RockandRoller70 I agree, the Bluetooth responsiveness is a much better experience, and if I could get the core functions working using some kind of mapping mechanism, I'd use it.

I'm trying to get my TiVo remote working, which is both Bluetooth & IR. The remote has a perfectly balanced feel, both for dedicated D-Pad and Play/Pause/FF/Rew hand positions. It's such a wonderful remote; all the functions you need, and perfectly ergonomic.

I can pair it via Bluetooth successfully and most buttons work (d-pad, OK, Channel Up/Down, Skip, Number keys; even toggling voice assistant (though there's no mic to pick up the command) but there is no home button-- and Button Remapper doesn't recognize the TiVo (home) button over Bluetooth. Apparently TiVo uses arbitrary remote commands, which is where the problem lies. The Button Mapper app doesn't recognize these keycodes either, so I can't use that.

FLIRC has a way to intercept these IR signals and translate them to keycodes.

So for now, if I want to use my TiVo remote, unfortunately it has to be over IR through FLIRC.

This is the remote I currently use as an Nvidia Shield remote replacement:

Unlike many other remotes, the mic on this actually works fine with the Shield for voice commands. You can also have the power key learn an IR command, so I use that for my "up" volume on my HT receiver. I didn't realize it was only 1 key available to learn when I bought it, however.

I'm hoping the new remote I just ordered and mentioned above might prove more useful. I assume you could leverage the FLIRC with the IR side of it to get even more functionality, but you do have to toggle between wireless and IR it looks like.

I have this combined with a Logitech Harmony Hub (sans remote) that I use for voice commands to turn everything on / off and it works great.

I use the Flirc also to control My FireTV Cube ... the Cube does Voice Commands so a MIC is not needed on the remotes. I prefer remotes with number pads. Makes it easier to change channels on SAGETV.

I contacted the developer of Button Mapper (an Android / Android TV app enabling the remapping of buttons) and he confirmed that TiVo is likely using proprietary commands, which can't be understood on the OS level:

...some buttons simply don't register with the Accessibility service. They are basically hard-coded and bypass the Android/Linux input subsystem.

So that basically confirmed that the FLIRC (IR) approach is necessary to use the TiVo remote, given the lack of standard keycodes for essential keys (like the "Home" button).

I've fully configured FLIRC to my liking, and though IR not quite as responsive as Bluetooth-- it's nice to have the remote I want, with functions fully customized to my liking. The fact the Channels app can intercept these keycodes enables a really nice TV experience.

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This remote works quite well with the Shield along with the Channels app. The number keypad works fine and the play/pause button works good for previous channel.

The ability to have IR commands also makes this a nice all-in-one solution as you can toggle over to IR commands which I currently use to control the volume on my home theater receiver since my Samsung 60" inexplicably doesn't support HDMI-CEC.

In addition, the microphone feature works well with the Shield.

Does it have backlit buttons though? I have that remote in my list to check out, but instead settled on this and I love it. ONly the power button is IR, but i have no use for IR, i want RF. Only down side, can't turn off/sleep the Shield with it, but u can wake it up fine.

Well, ok, i cant find the exact one i bought last year, and for whatever reason, does not show up in my ebay purchase history....but this is the closest thing to it i can find.

EDIT: Found the exact remote i have. (had to search my posts, as i posted link to it here before.

No backlit buttons