I messed around with different FireSticks today until I found one that was behaving very similarly to what you've described. I banged my head against it for some time -- trying to figure out what was up, and why it was different. In the end, it was the most obvious of all issues -- it needed a reboot.
I'm also suspicious that responses to logcat queries may get very slow after awhile, or after lots of experimentation -- like we're doing atm.
We'll see where this leads us -- perhaps some sort of scheduled reboot. But, in the meantime, I've improved the resilience of the device-specific M3U creation. If you use the CREATE_M3US=true option, your specified devices will be rebooted before the guide channel scan starts. If you use the ./scripts/firetv/livetv/createm3u.sh your_streaming_device_hostname_or_IP:5555
approach, the device's adb logs will be flushed before scanning begins (no reboot).
It's best to be able to monitor the reboot and M3U creation process to confirm the scan starts, and ends, at the beginning of the guide. If it doesn't, there IS an issue. I had it happen on one test, and it was because of a LiveTV Guide channels (the ones that aren't hidden) to livetv.m3u mismatch.
Also, be sure to check the Portainer-Container log to confirm there are no errors there. Here's an example of a successful container start including M3U creation for two devices: localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ah4c2 firestick-rack3 firestick-rack4 encoder_48007
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
List of devices attached
connected to firestick-rack3:5555
connected to firestick-rack4:5555
Existing ./scripts/onn/youtubetv/prebmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/firetv/livetv/prebmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/onn/youtubetv/bmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/firetv/livetv/bmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/onn/youtubetv/stopbmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/firetv/livetv/stopbmitune.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing ./scripts/firetv/livetv/createm3u.sh found, and will be preserved
Existing directv.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing foo-fighters.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing hulu.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing youtubetv.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing sling.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing fubo.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing dtvstream.m3u found, and will be preserved
Existing livetv.m3u found, and will be preserved
Waking firestick-rack3...
Sorting livetv.m3u alphabetically to match FireTV LiveTV Guide...
Reading firestick-rack3.m3u and updating it with device specific channelID...
Starting channelID is 3881
assigned to M3U channel name: 24/7 Laughs
Current channelID is 3491
assigned to M3U channel name: 5StarMAX East
Current channelID is 3494
assigned to M3U channel name: ActionMAX HD East
Current channelID is 3491
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD East
Current channelID is 3489
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD West
Current channelID is 3846
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore Action HD East
Current channelID is 3849
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore HD East
Current channelID is 3856
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO
Current channelID is 3851
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO 2
Current channelID is 3856
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Comedy
Current channelID is 3857
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Family
Current channelID is 3852
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Signature
Current channelID is 3853
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO West
Current channelID is 3854
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Zone
Current channelID is 3484
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+
Current channelID is 3487
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ DRIVE-IN
Current channelID is 3485
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ HITS
Current channelID is 3486
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ MARQUEE
Current channelID is 3490
assigned to M3U channel name: MoreMAX HD East
Current channelID is 3493
assigned to M3U channel name: MovieMAX HD East
Current channelID is 3496
assigned to M3U channel name: OuterMAX HD East
Current channelID is 3490
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime
Current channelID is 3874
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime West
Current channelID is 3842
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Cinema HD East
Current channelID is 3844
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Comedy HD East
Current channelID is 3841
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Edge HD East
EPG ad detected, skipping...
Current channelID is 3843
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD East
Current channelID is 3845
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD West
Current channelID is 3847
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz inBlack HD East
Current channelID is 3848
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Kids AND Family HD East
Current channelID is 3488
assigned to M3U channel name: ThrillerMAX East
Current channelID is 3881
Initial pass through the guide completed
Beginning second pass to confirm play/tuner values...
Confirming a guideID 3881 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: 24/7 Laughs
Confirming a guideID 3491 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: 5StarMAX East
Confirming a guideID 3494 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: ActionMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 3491 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD East
Confirming a guideID 3489 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD West
Confirming a guideID 3846 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore Action HD East
Confirming a guideID 3849 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore HD East
Confirming a guideID 3856 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO
Confirming a guideID 3851 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO 2
Confirming a guideID 3856 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Comedy
Confirming a guideID 3857 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Family
Confirming a guideID 3852 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Signature
Confirming a guideID 3853 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO West
Confirming a guideID 3854 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Zone
Confirming a guideID 3484 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+
Confirming a guideID 3487 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ DRIVE-IN
Confirming a guideID 3485 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ HITS
Confirming a guideID 3486 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ MARQUEE
Confirming a guideID 3490 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MoreMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 3493 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MovieMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 3496 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: OuterMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 3490 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime
Confirming a guideID 3874 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime West
Confirming a guideID 3842 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Cinema HD East
Confirming a guideID 3844 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Comedy HD East
Confirming a guideID 3841 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Edge HD East
Confirming a guideID 3843 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD East
Confirming a guideID 3845 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD West
Confirming a guideID 3847 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz inBlack HD East
Confirming a guideID 3848 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Kids AND Family HD East
Confirming a guideID 3488 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: ThrillerMAX East
Device specific M3U creation appears successful as the starting and ending channel IDs match.
It's recommended NOT to leave CREATE_M3US set to true. Create new device specific M3Us only as needed.
Final format of new firestick-rack3.m3u...
Waking firestick-rack4...
Sorting livetv.m3u alphabetically to match FireTV LiveTV Guide...
Reading firestick-rack4.m3u and updating it with device specific channelID...
Starting channelID is 3658
assigned to M3U channel name: 24/7 Laughs
Current channelID is 2404
assigned to M3U channel name: 5StarMAX East
Current channelID is 2407
assigned to M3U channel name: ActionMAX HD East
Current channelID is 2405
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD East
Current channelID is 2402
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD West
Current channelID is 3205
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore Action HD East
Current channelID is 3208
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore HD East
Current channelID is 3635
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO
Current channelID is 3630
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO 2
Current channelID is 3634
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Comedy
Current channelID is 3636
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Family
Current channelID is 3631
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Signature
Current channelID is 3632
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO West
Current channelID is 3633
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Zone
Current channelID is 2399
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+
Current channelID is 2398
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ DRIVE-IN
Current channelID is 2400
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ HITS
Current channelID is 2397
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ MARQUEE
Current channelID is 2403
assigned to M3U channel name: MoreMAX HD East
Current channelID is 2406
assigned to M3U channel name: MovieMAX HD East
Current channelID is 2409
assigned to M3U channel name: OuterMAX HD East
Current channelID is 3656
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime
Current channelID is 3651
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime West
Current channelID is 3201
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Cinema HD East
Current channelID is 3203
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Comedy HD East
Current channelID is 3209
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Edge HD East
Current channelID is 3202
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD East
Current channelID is 3204
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD West
Current channelID is 3206
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz inBlack HD East
Current channelID is 3207
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Kids AND Family HD East
Current channelID is 2401
assigned to M3U channel name: ThrillerMAX East
Current channelID is 3658
Initial pass through the guide completed
Beginning second pass to confirm play/tuner values...
Confirming a guideID 3658 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: 24/7 Laughs
Confirming a guideID 2404 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: 5StarMAX East
Confirming a guideID 2407 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: ActionMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 2405 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD East
Confirming a guideID 2402 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Cinemax HD West
Confirming a guideID 3205 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore Action HD East
Confirming a guideID 3208 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Encore HD East
Confirming a guideID 3635 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO
Confirming a guideID 3630 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO 2
Confirming a guideID 3634 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Comedy
Confirming a guideID 3636 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Family
Confirming a guideID 3631 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Signature
Confirming a guideID 3632 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO West
Confirming a guideID 3633 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: HBO Zone
Confirming a guideID 2399 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+
Confirming a guideID 2398 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ DRIVE-IN
Confirming a guideID 2400 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ HITS
Confirming a guideID 2397 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MGM+ MARQUEE
Confirming a guideID 2403 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MoreMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 2406 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: MovieMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 2409 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: OuterMAX HD East
Confirming a guideID 3656 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime
Confirming a guideID 3651 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Showtime West
Confirming a guideID 3201 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Cinema HD East
Confirming a guideID 3203 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Comedy HD East
Confirming a guideID 3209 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Edge HD East
Confirming a guideID 3202 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD East
Confirming a guideID 3204 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz HD West
Confirming a guideID 3206 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz inBlack HD East
Confirming a guideID 3207 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: Starz Kids AND Family HD East
Confirming a guideID 2401 is present
assigned to M3U channel name: ThrillerMAX East
Device specific M3U creation appears successful as the starting and ending channel IDs match.
It's recommended NOT to leave CREATE_M3US set to true. Create new device specific M3Us only as needed.
Final format of new firestick-rack4.m3u...
[START] androidhdmi-for-channels is starting
[ENV] Not loading env
[ENV] IPADDRESS htpc6:7664
[ENV] Creating tuner 1
[ENV] ENCODER1_URL http://encoder_48007/8.ts
[ENV] TUNER1_IP firestick-rack3:5555
[ENV] PRE SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/prebmitune.sh
[ENV] START SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/bmitune.sh
[ENV] STOP SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/stopbmitune.sh
[ENV] REBOOT SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/reboot.sh
[ENV] Creating tuner 2
[ENV] ENCODER2_URL http://encoder_48007/12.ts
[ENV] TUNER2_IP firestick-rack4:5555
[ENV] PRE SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/prebmitune.sh
[ENV] START SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/bmitune.sh
[ENV] STOP SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/stopbmitune.sh
[ENV] REBOOT SCRIPT ./scripts/firetv/livetv/reboot.sh
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
- using env: export GIN_MODE=release
- using code: gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
[GIN-debug] GET /favicon.ico --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD /favicon.ico --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).StaticFile.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] Loaded HTML Templates (11):
- m3us.html
- routes.html
- status.html
- stream.html
- config.html
- index.html
- logs.html
- status_and_logs.html
- edit.html
- editm3u.html
[GIN-debug] GET /static/*filepath --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD /static/*filepath --> github.com/gin-gonic/gin.(*RouterGroup).createStaticHandler.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET / --> main.run.func1 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /routes --> main.run.func2 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /play/tuner:tuner/:channel --> main.run.func3 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /m3u/:channel --> main.run.func4 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /env --> main.run.func5 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /logs/text --> main.run.func6 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /logs --> main.run.func7 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /status/andlogs --> main.run.func8 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /logs/json --> main.run.func9 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /video --> main.run.func10 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /status --> main.statusPageHandler (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /api/status --> main.apiStatusHandler (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /stream --> main.run.func11 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /test/webhook --> main.run.func12 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /test/email --> main.run.func13 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /status/channelsactivity --> main.run.func14 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /edit --> main.run.func15 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST /save --> main.run.func16 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST /m3usave/:file --> main.run.func17 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /m3us --> main.run.func18 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /editm3u/:file --> main.run.func19 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET /config --> main.run.func20 (2 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST /configsave --> main.run.func21 (2 handlers)
[START] androidhdmi-for-channels is ready
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :7654
> ws-scrcpy@0.8.1-dev start
> node ./index.js
Listening on:
http://ah4c2:8000 http://localhost:8000
Go ahead and re-pull and redeploy the bnhf/ah4c:prime image with UPDATE_SCRIPTS=true, and this will reboot your device and reinitiate a scan. Let me know how it goes.