Annual iOS & tvOS Beta Warning

Hey everyone! This is just a reminder that, if Channels is critical for you, don’t install any iOS or tvOS betas right now.

We don’t get to working with betas till later in the summer close to release time. Otherwise, as a developer, you end up chasing bugs in your software that end up being system bugs.

So if Channels is important to you, and something is broken on iOS or tvOS 13, you should hold off. Nothing will be fixed any time soon.

Also, the betas right now are reallllly rough and no one outside of developers should be running them on anything but development devices. If they’re a world of hurt.


is there anything new in these release from a developer stand point that would improve Channels?
I presume a Catalyst macOS app might be on the cards?

I presume a Catalyst macOS app might be on the cards?

See Project Catalyst

We’ll absolutely be investigating Catalyst. But let’s set our expectations correctly. It’s not just a matter of checking a box and getting a version of Channels for macOS.

We’re talking about a whole new client here. One that we’ll have to work on to make sure it feels great for its platform and be responsible for maintaining into the future.
Any decisions on working on it and shipping it will take the same path as everything else we do.


As a reminder, macOS can be installed on a partition and run completely separately from main partition if you have enough space. About 30-40GB is all you need for basic install and running OS and built-in apps. Allow yourself additional space if you want to install or migrate additional apps for testing.

Also remember to MAKE A BACKUP!!!

If you run iOS betas, make an archived backup in iTunes and turn off iCloud backups on your test iOS devices if it is your main device!!!