Annual Reminder: If you install iOS/tvOS/iPadOS 18 betas, you are on your own

This is the yearly reminder that we do not support beta operating systems. If you want full support and reliability, please do not update to the latest betas. If you do so and things break, do not expect us to immediately fix anything to make Channels work on a beta Operating System.

If you do install it, and things work great, or things are bad, feel free to report them. This is helpful. But we generally don't get things ready for the new OS until it's released, because Apple ships VERY buggy betas, and we don't like to waste our summer fixing bugs that Apple introduced.



iOS 18.0b1 on iPhone 13+: Waiting for first public beta
iPadOS 18.0b1 on iPad 9: No issues noted
macOS 15.0b1 on M1: A few minor first start up issues, but otherwise working
tvOS 18.0b1 on ATV4Kg2: A few minor first start up issues, but otherwise working

Yes, same here. I’m testing on (the least used) one of my 4 AppleTVs. After updating to tvOS 18.0b1 I had to force-quit and relaunch the latest Channels TestFlight version a few times before the app would fully load, show the grid, and operate properly. Seems to be working fine now though.

Sounds like normal b1 stuff. We’ll keep an eye on it over the summer.

Don't mess with beta OSs in general. It's not Linux :rofl::joy:, brother.

Working okay thus far - I have installed the beta on one of ATVs

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No issues found so far on VisionOS 2 Beta...

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4 posts were split to a new topic: ATSC3 issues with audio/video

I was curious to see the new feature on TVOS 18 for enhanced dialog audio as my wife has hearing issues. My intent was only for a day or two and then return to the stable version 17.

Channels for the most part worked OK. There was one anomoly --- when I changed channels using the guide, the cursor would jump to the left menu (GUIDE, RECORDINGS, etc).

Anyway, my real troubles started when I did the factory reset. The darn beta doesn't go away. I've done it twice now (with "update beta" at NO) and one of the beta bugs is you can't return to normal.

And it is a chore to enter passwords for all the apps on a reset and then find out your still where you were.

There's a "Developers Beta" option. I'll try that just to see if I can do a reset to 17.

Otherwise, I have seen options to reset using a computer and a USB cable.

Yes, but did it improve the audio? Your wife isn’t alone with the issue and if it turns out that it does successfully change the speech/music balance, then many will find this a significant enhancement.

(Pity about your subsequent travails.)

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The audio boost does seem to help. There are two levels and the highest level had an unnatural tinny sound so we didn’t use it but it is even more dB of dialog. We left it on on two tvs (2nd and 3rd gen Apple TVs).

My wife for a change didn’t ask to increase the volume.

For years I have used beta builds of Apple's operating systems. Even though Apple fail to offer any type of backup mechanism nor do any third-party tools it is nothing to me to restore if necessary which has never been so. This year tvOS and iPadOS beta builds are remarkably more stable for me.

Since developer beta 01 for version 18 Channels DVR experienced two issues which have persisted across builds of both tvOS and TestFlight builds of Channels DVR. Firstly, each channel takes from six to ten seconds to play audio [I cannot see to speak on video] from moment of activation of channel. Secondly, the :arrow_right: key on the remote controller via both click and swipe fails to seek forwards whilst streaming any channel. Sometimes it works but most times it does not. The :arrow_left: button works but I cannot go forwards.

I've installed the tvOS 18 GM and have looked through these reported issues.

I'm not seeing this issue. Is anyone else still seeing this?

I'm not seeing this issue. Is anyone else still seeing this?

I'm not seeing this issue. Is anyone else still seeing this?

After the last Apple beta upgrade, the cursor jumping to the left no longer happens.

THere is one long standing bug in both the beta and the standard versions.

When in guide and scrolling down...if you scroll back up to the top....the uppermost row is shown only as the bottom half of the row. It can be corrected by scrolling left and then back up.

tvOS 18 ships on Monday September 16th, 2024 and the current build seems fine with it.

If you see something different, please open a new thread about it.

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