Another reason to hate Plex

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When I want ad-bloated mediocre content, I'll just watch my Pluto channels on Channels. Not interested in Plex content! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I remember seeing a thread a bit ago about wanting a Channels DVR lifetime subscription model... Plex and others were often cited as being 'successful examples' of how that works... I've also seen it speculated elsewhere (and this could be totally unfounded but I am not along in thinking this) that Plex at this point HAS to push streaming options that can make money through partnerships and advertising, because of the number of lifetime Plex Passes they sold over the years, losing out on what could have been recurring revenue from longtime subscribers.

I know I got my lifetime Plex pass so long ago that I effectively paid for Plex for a year, and have had it free for 3-4 years. There are a lot of people who have had a Plex pass a lot longer than I have.


havn't gotten anything like this. Though, when i first setup Plex, i disabled all the Discover and Streaming stuffs. To use for local Library only. Never even setup Live TV/DVR, cause i use Channels for that.


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