Antenna (OTA) Playback Issues with Nvidia Shield TV Pro

This problem has been going on for several months. I've deleted and re-installed the Channels app several times, installed new CAT6 cables, replaced the antenna VHF single rods and more until I realized that the Nvidia Shield TV Pro was the only device having this issue.

Until about a week or so ago, it would pause and show no notification.

I haven't had a chance to test it with Tuner Sharing enable. I'll test it for 30 minutes to an hour and get back with you.

With Tuner Sharing enable, it just paused but showed no notification. I'll continue to watch to see what happens.

Does the picture still break up, or just pause then resume

I don't think that the picture broke up. I'll pay close attention if it happening again and let you know.

There has been two 5 - 10 seconds pauses with no picture break up. I'll monitor it for a few days. There are a couple of NBA games on over-the-air channels tomorrow so I can monitor it for a while.

Do you have to back out to the guide and reopen the channel? Sounds like my issue if you do.

I don't have to back out of the guide. It usually starts back or I can close the program without going all the way out of the guide.

The picture doesn't break up. It pauses and, then, resumes but never attempts to catch up. I sent a diagnostic.

I love the Shied Pro paired with Channels DVR. I have two 2Terabyte Solid State Drives connected to the two 3.0 USB ports for DVR recordings and it usually works flawlessly until recently.

I think one of the most recent update needed more testing as I’ve had to reset the Shield a few times recently to address a weird issue. A power reset didn’t help. Did you already check to see if the Shield is running on the most up to date firmware.

You can reset the Shield in the same place that you check for updates.

Try this. Go to the Shield settings “Gear” icon, scroll down to Device Preference and select “Info” then either Check update or Restart to reset the Shield. Good luck.

Thanks. That's one of the first things I checked. It's running the latest firmware.

I have two shields which are both pros, the 2015 and 2019 models, both updated to the latest experience 8.2.3 and running latest channelsdvr apps

I don't have any drives attached to either unit and instead of channelsdvr on a linux based pc. I've only had the odd occassion of where the broadcast will pause, but have also seen it on the Apple TV 4K (2017) model.

TBH, Channels performs a lot better on Shield that the default HDHomerun software

I'm having the same issue with the previous generation Nvidia Shield.
I'm using the HdHomeRun Connect Quatro 4 k for the tuner. I truly believe the tuner is garbage. I've attempted to obtain support from Silicon Dust, but their support is lackluster.
I'm seeing: "Tuner Network Problems - Network problem are causing issues with signal".

I also am having the picture freeze with no audio. I can exit the program and reselect it and it will play again normally.

I wish I could find another network tuner to try. Definitely another brand.

Network problems means your Wi-Fi is not keeping up causing the tuner to have to drop packets.

My device is connected via Ethernet (today Download -=> 957.74 Mbit/s | Latency -=> 1.37 ms | Jitter -=> 0.66 ms and I was getting the same error before Tuner Sharing was enabled. Now, it pauses, and sometimes frequently, and doesn't display an error. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4Ks and Apple TV do not have this issue. One of the Fire Sticks is connected to a TV on a mobile stand, is wireless only and doesn't have this issue while using Channels.

The issue is with the network path between your shield and the dvr. Since the dvr is buffering now the picture doesn't break up anymore. But the network problem is the same.

You could try swapping locations and put the shield where one of the working Apple TVs is to see what happens.

I was thinking of doing that but I've made a network change to try to correct the issue. I'll monitor it as soon as I get a chance.

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The Shield still has the network issue using Channels when moved to the Apple TV location. I sent a diagnostic just in case it can be used.

My next step is to move the Apple TV to the Shield location to see what happens.

The Apple TV operates without network issues at the Shield location; however, the Shield still has the network issue ("Tuner Network Problems - Network problem are causing issues with signal") at the Apple TV location. To test this further, I've now moved the Shield to an Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K location and the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K to the Shield location. The Shield is, also, having the network issue at this location. The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K isn't having any network issue at the Shield location.

Are you using extra storage with the SHIELD?