Antenna (OTA) Playback Issues with Nvidia Shield TV Pro

When it hangs now, it stays stuck and no error is generated. Today, I was able to exit with the Back key but yesterday, I had to hit the Home and Setting keys many times to exit the stuck picture. I sent a diagnostic.

Please try the beta app via or Settings > Support > Install Beta

Ok, I'll let you know how it works. Thanks..

I sent a diagnostic after the video stopped this morning.

The diagnostics you sent was from the regular app not the beta app

Ok, I downloaded the Beta late last night. I've installed it again and will send a diagnostic if it stops.IMG_7573

I sent a couple of diagnostics. The stops are more frequent with the Beta app but it resume without having to back out of the app. The error code, "Tuner Network Problems - Network problem are causing issues with signal", is, also, generated.

The error isn't generated each time the app stops.

When all else fails, factory reset. Been contemplating doing that to my SHIELD over similar issues.

Yes, I've done that at least 3 times since I purchased it in December 2020.

The Shield is still experiencing issues with the beta Channel DVR apps. Although I'm not sending diagnostics each time there has been a pause or stop with and without the network signal error, I sent one this morning because there was a longer delay.

I'll provide updates but won't send diagnostics unless there's an unusual error or a request. Thanks...

Since I'm having the same issues with the beta, should I continue to use it. I plan to do a factory reset when I get the chance and will installed only one Channels app. Thanks...

Just an update... Channels is much better since uninstalling both the Channels DVR and the Channels DVR Beta apps. Then, I installed the Channels DVR app again and moved it from the USB drive to the Nvidia Shield. I didn't do a factory reset on the the Nvidia Shield. There are still tuner errors but not very often.

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Iā€m having the exact same problem. Were able to resolve this network issue on the shield pro

Moving the Channels DVR app from the USB drive to the Nvidia Shield's internal memory made it a lot better. Then, the errors completely stopped. I can't pin point the exact cause for the errors but before posting to this forum, I replaced the CAT5 Ethernet cable connected to the Nvidia Shield with a CAT6A shielded cable.

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