Any plans to have Channels record smaller files? Mp4 or mvk?

Hi all. New to Channels, loving my trial so far, 100% going to subscribe.

The one thing I don't seem to be able to find a solve for - file size. I really don't need an hour of NCIS to be a 2GB file. Any reason something as standard as h.264 isn't part of the offering - or is it and I'm just totally missing it?

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The codec used depends on the source. HDHR + antenna uses mpeg2, TVE/Locast use h264.

Hmmm. I'm recording TVE and getting 2GB files for a one hour episodic. Is there a way to look at how the encoding is being done and tweak settings?

There is no encoding that is taking place. The files are recorded in the original format.

If you find the recording in the DVR web UI, you can click View Details to see the bitrate and codecs. Post a screenshot of that window.

I'll do so, thank you. Just to be clear - there's no way to have Channels record in MP4 format or to encode/compress the video when it records? It's only capable of recording the stream as it's broadcast?

That's correct. You can post-process the files with MCEBuddy, Handbrake etc but Channels DVR does not do this.

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can you elaborate, i.e what triggers MCEbuddy?

You do. Channels does not offer any post-processing natively, aside from its commercial detection. If you wish to modify the recorded file, that is something you must do yourself outside of Channels.