Any way to playback in progress recordings using a different player?

I use channels almost exclusively for DVRing live sports so I can start late and watch the games without commercials.

Channels can not airplay audio to other devices, which is absurd, but a topic that has been discussed ad nauseum already. Coupled with the commercial skip during live TV being off so often that it becomes a complete and total spoiler if you leave it on, I have been looking for a way to watch the content being recorded with a different client.

So far I've only tried Plex but it can't deal with the in progress recording. Not a huge surprise really.

Anyone ever used a set up like on Apple TV and have a suggestion for a client? I can do a bunch of testing on my own, but before I load up bunch of random apps, thought I'd ask if anyone has solved this one yet?


Well to answer my own question, infuse works just fine...

VLC seems fine also, frankly a little surprised the Plex player didn't work.

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Use the channels app for apple tv. Start playing your recording back sometime after recording starts. Fast forward through commercials... not understanding your issue here...

Well then you missed the parts of my post where I pointed out the lack of being able to airplay to other speakers and how terrible channels is with commercial skip with in progress recordings is the entire reason I was asking the question.