? Any way to run Channels DVR but with recordings suspended

I've just upgraded my Channels server from a QNAP NAS to a Beelink MiniPC (7840HS/32GB RAM/1TB + DAS 4TB SSD) so I have two Channels setups. I'd like to keep the QNAP current with EPG data and alive as backup, want to keep recording schedule definition in the DVR but not have the QNAP record at all. My use case is that it is a backup machine so if I need to do maintenance or Windows Update on the Beelink, I can just point to the QNAP to watch TV while I do it. Also, if my Beelink goes down, I could activate the QNAP's recording features and use it until I get the Beelink back online.

One way I have thought of is to backup the current QNAP and then delete all the recordings. Then I could import the backup (or even the backup of the Beelink) to restart recordings if I needed to.

Any thoughts?


There is not a way to pause all recordings at once. On the web UI for the secondary server you would go to passes and pause them all one by one.

To be clear if you are running 2 separate servers changes would need to be made manually to keep them in sync. What I mean is any new recording passes made to your primary server wouldn't be added to your other server, you would need to switch servers and create a duplicate recording pass.

I suppose you could try running your "backup" server without any passes. Then if something happens to your primary, you can then run a "restore" on your backup using the data from the primary. (This is assuming that your backup can access your DVR drive, whether on a network share or external drive.)

Our recordings are pretty static. We have a regular bank of shows that we record and only keep a couple of days of them. We add rarely so it would be easy to add them if needed.

Yes - that's the easiest way I can think of. Strip out the recordings on the backup server and once a week have a copy of the primary backup copied from the Mini to the NAS. Restore that if needed.

I would turn off the backup server and only turn it on when needed but I'd rather have the epg stay up-to-date so, if I do need it, it is ready to go when it's brought online.

Use rsync or a similar utility to keep the copies in sync, that way you aren't copying over stuff that already exists. It's also much healthier for your drives.

It sounds like turning off "Server Enabled" in the DVR settings could be what you're looking for.

I would have suggested that, but it sounded like the OP wanted the server available to serve live content from the backup server while the primary was operating.

But disabling the server while keeping both DVR directories in sync would surely work, too. And sketching over would simply require toggling a single setting.

I can toggle off "Server Enabled" but then it will not refresh the EPG so if/when I need to use it there is a spin up time to refresh the EPG. If the DVR would keep the EPG up-to-date with "Server Enabled" off, that would precisely be what I would want.

Only has 2 votes, and you didn't even vote for your own request!

Cause it’s mostly a waste of time. Nothing of value gets done here in the last couple of years anymore.

The attention only happens to people with rediculous setups, things get acknowledged and fixed when trying to setup a DVR on a TI 86.

The few of us on this board with regular setups get ignored.

Go vote for it and make it 3 and tell them that you really need this with your 6 docker DVRs. They’ll do back flips for you right away and implement it.

:point_up: I’m sure that will be a problem.


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I was one of the 2 votes 1.5 yrs ago

5, but who's counting?

I don't wish to get into the middle of this back and forth but I do feel the need to state, for the record, how categorically false this statement is.


Agree. I've been using Channels for a little over 4 years and the degree of progress is impressive. The many suggestions reflect the breadth and investment of the user community and often surface thoughts that are not top of mind for others. In my experience, the developers integrate many of those ideas provided they fit the architecture underpinning CDVR. On top of that, the Devs are incredibly connected to this board and are responsive to many posts.


There are certainly some gaps in basic DVR functionality, and it is frustrating, but this is way over the line. The developers are responsive and fix most issues quickly, much of the time without people knowing. Follow the change log forum topics if you don’t believe me. They’re pushing out updates multiple times daily.

This forum is dominated by hobbyists who are doing really interesting things with the software, so that’s where a lot of the discussion is and the devs, being hobbyists themselves, actively contribute. But that shouldn’t be confused with all of the behind the scenes work done to add new features and keep it stable.


Friendly reminder: You can mute users on Discourse.



You got it right in your screenshot but note what you generally want is ignore, not mute.


Yeah, the link shows what happens when you select Ignore instead of Mute. Posts are blocked as well.

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