Anyone having an issue with Philo?

I can't seem to watch Philo this morning. Getting Tuner unreachable on many.

OWN is showing Playback failed storage.getcookies wasn't found (-32601)

Anyone else seeing this?

No problem with Philo here in Southern OHIO. Dr. Phil coming in now OK.

Thanks for the reply. If you have another minute, does SCI work for you?


Yes SCI is working for me. "How the Universe Works" on now.

Thanks again.

To the devs, I have tried to access both own and sci. Each has a different error. I have submitted diagnostics

I did a rescan this morning to try and solve. No errors I could see.

Please advise.

Does troubleshooting show chrome update available?

Thanks for this. It was out of date and updating solved the issue.

Case closed

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