Api command channel_up gives socket hangup error

I've only just tried using channel_up and channel_down as api commands and there seems to be a bug.

The commands do work and the channel changes as expected but I get a ""RequestError: socket hang up" error from the http request node that I call it from in Node Red. Then ECCONRESET appears below the request node.

I'm using exactly the same command format in node red for many other api calls which work fine without the error it just seems to be channel_up and channel_down that cause the issue.

Does curl work?

Not sure about curl, don't know how I would try that to be honest.

This is the response in Node Red to a toggle_pause command that works fine

_msgid: "b310b43033b45fb3"

url: ""

statusCode: 200

headers: object

responseUrl: ""

payload: object

status: "playing"

now_playing: object

channel: object

redirectList: array[0]

retry: 0

And this is the response from the channel_up command with everything else the same.

09/07/2024, 21:43:58[node: POST]( : error

"RequestError: socket hang up"

09/07/2024, 21:43:58[node: debug 403]( : Object


_msgid: "ef573efc02be7a5d"

url: ""

payload: "RequestError: socket hang up :"

statusCode: "ECONNRESET"

We don’t know anything about NodeRed. For all we know this is an issue with just NodeRed.

It would be helpful if you tried the request with a more standard http lib like curl, which is simpler and with less overhead baggage like a whole app.

I've never used curl in terms of api calls so don't know how to test it or from where (browser, terminal window?) Tell me what to type where and I'll happily do it. I only have Linux machines though.

But, where I'm calling the api from seems a red herring to me.

I can use any of the other Channels api calls from node red, and do so regularly, day in day out. They all work fine, without any errors.

But now using "channel_up" (or down) for the first time, with everything else identical, it gives an error. It surely has to be an error in the api doesn't it?

It looks like the command executed correctly but it doesn't give the status response that all the other commands do.

How to use curl is heavily documented on the internet. It should be easy to find how to submit a POST http request.

curl -X POST
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

curl -X POST
{"status":"paused","now_playing":{"title":"Live: Wimbledon 2024","summary":"Live coverage of the third Grand Slam of the season continues, from at the All England Club.","image_url":"","episode_title":"Day 10"},"channel":{"number":"2","name":"BBC Two HD","image_url":""}

Thanks, we'll look into it.