App immediately crashes on nVidia ShieldTV

Just purchased and installed the app today on nVidia shield. The app immediately crashes. I have uninstalled and re-installed twice now.

Oof, sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what kind of hdhomerun (model and firmware version)?

I found the crash report. Will fix the issue, but if you upgrade your tuner firmware it will work.

Firmware and device info

Model: HDTC-2US
Device ID: 1056EC6C
Firmware: 20171208

Hmm okay, I must have seen a different crash then. Your firmware is fine.

Try the beta version using

Dumb question, how do I update the firmware on the extend? I am not finding a firmware download.

You can find the upgrade on

Ok, installed the beta app and the app launches now. Will dig into the app and see how things work. Thank you for the help.

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This was fixed in v1.0.4