Apple TV Remote weirdness

Just wondering if anyone else has run into this issue. Occasionally when navigating the guide it will just keep scrolling horizontally or vertically on its own, acts like someone is holding down one of the directional arrows.

Seems to only due it in the Channels app.

Yep all the time. It's like the button press registers more than once. Today I had uncontrollable fast forward and rewind. I would push the button and nothing would happen and then an after seconds later it would jumps minutes ahead or back.

I've had that happen with both the Apple remote and the Function 101 remote in Channels. The Apple remote needs rebooted - see here: If your Siri Remote or Apple TV Remote isn't working - Apple Support

That has solved the problem for me every time.

Ever have it happen in any other Apple TV apps?

I have to replace the Apple TV Remote (latest gen Siri remote) every 6 months or so.
The buttons get very very crunchy or mushy, and the right d pad button (used for skip fwd/FF) always starts registering double or triple presses.
The remote is in a silicone case that somewhat protects it, but i have never spilled any liquid or gotten food on the remote...they just wear out from normal use.

It happened on the home screen and I vaguely recall it happening in Netflix too. It wasn't just a Channels issue, although that's the main app I use. The Apple remote reboot did the trick. I also have been keeping the Apple remotes charged up more...seems like when they get low on juice they'll do strange things.

I felt bad because I was blaming the Function 101 remote for the issue, and their (awesome) customer support even sent a new one, but out of the box it was doing the same thing. That's when I started researching and came upon the Apple remote reboot thing.

I haven't run into this but what I have run into if I'm trying to quickly scroll it'll happen but randomly it'll stop me from scrolling and I can only go down so far and it'll just bounce back up. I have to wait for it to fully stop the quick scroll before starting it again and being able to scroll down as far as I want.

Frustrating but the rest of the app & service works well so I can't complain... too much :stuck_out_tongue:

TIL you can reboot an AppleTV remote. Filling this away in case I need it.

Why not get a sofabaton u2. It's better than the apple remote in so many ways and it's cheap. Then you can leverage the 4 custom buttons that are built in to Channels to support it. Not to mention easily being able to remap every button on the remote.

No need for the apple tv remote at all.