ASUS RT-AC87U Blocking

I was trying to login to my DVR at my uncles house and was having issues authenticating on his network.

I can get to, but if I try to go to the remote sign in link at it just times out.

I turned off the firewall and every advanced security feature I could find and never go it to go through on wireless or wired connections.

If I direct connect to the ISP it works fine so I know it is the router.

Anyone else using one of these routers or have a suggestion?

Some routers do not support hairpinning, so that url only works when you're on LTE or other remote network

Is there a way to connect that network to my DVR then?

I can’t even use the app when I am on that network. is for remote access only and not related to in home access issues.

Are you able to comment to the at home url?

I can connect from my home and from my mobile device. It is just connecting from my Uncle’s place that seems to be an issue.

I see. Sorry I misunderstood and thought you were installing a dvr at that house.

Are you able to ping your home IP from that network? Are you able to connect to port 8089?