AT&T BGW210-700 + OPNsense port forwarding

I cannot figure this out for the life of me.

Does anyone have a working example of this combo and port forwarding for remote streaming?

I believe I have my NAT rule setup correctly in OPNsense.

You can see that I am allowing any WAN address and any port to map to my channels server and port 8089.

Additionally in firewall rules

allow all incoming traffic on port 8089 to my channels dvr server. Port checker shows 8089 closed.

I then when to the AT&T router, which is in IP passthrough mode and opened the port 8089. Still, port checker shows closed. I don't even know what else to check. Any advise?

Your destination IP is wrong. It should be your public address not the internal address.


fixed it, all working now, thanks!

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