AT&T/DTVS Osprey C71KW-400 issues

I have 5 of these that when CableCARD goes away I'd like to use with Encoder. I bought an Encoder and I'd like to set one up for 'The CW' to learn. I can NOT get the app (The CW) to launch, it tries but fails. It has failed on 2 of my devices for several days.

If someone has one of these could they please try to launch the app for me to aid in diagnostics. CW hasn't answered 3 submissions using their web submissions with snapshots. I have no issues with any other app. The CW channel line up interested me to try.

It sound like you will need to use a more modern Android TV streamer.

Agreed - the secret sauce of the Osprey is using it for DTV Stream with ADBTuner - not as a standalone Android box.

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It loads all of the other apps and I believe it's likely a 'The CW' issue but they certainly don't communicate. I believe I'll just use maybe Peacock for testing and getting familiar with an Encoder. Who knows CableCARD hangs around a few more years I maybe don't even need! I just wanted to get familiar with what to plan on.

So no one has an Osprey that can confirm that it's not just me & my Osprey?

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