ATSC 3.0 OTA, DRM recording article, No limits

NextGen TV ATSC 3.0 OTA TV Says It Won’t Limit DVR Recording By Using DRM To Delete Your Recordings

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Seems that's not at all what SiliconDust is seeing:

Encryption - Page 52 - Silicondust.

Encryption - Page 55 - Silicondust.

Edit: It gets even better!

ZapperBox’s founder, Gopal Miglani, noted, “Our team has invented a proprietary process that enables us to field-provision content decryption in a highly secure manner.

Smells like bullshit...

According to the ZapperBox they will start shipping The ZapperBox M1 NEXTGEN TV DVR with content security, also known as digital rights management (DRM), on September 18, 2023.

They built a DVR.... Out of a Delorean?!

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