I recently switched to.att fiber but dont know how to setup.a static ip, can.anyone help me? Thank you
My ATT fiber IP has not changed in three years. The IP is locked to the gateway they give you. The only way to get a "true" forever IP is to get a package of static IP's and that costs much more.
what about static dhcp?
The gateway will let you set static DHCP addresses, but only 17 off them, the rest of your devices will be dynamic if you have more than 17. For some reason ATT limits this. The best way to use ATT fiber is to put their gateway in passthrough mode, turn off the wifi(because the built in wifi SUCKS!!) and use your own router. I have a mesh system hanging off my gateway.
What’s the model number of the router?
ATT currently uses the BGW320-500 and the BGW320-505 gateways. They are basically the same, just one is made by Nokia and the other by Humax. They are full router/wifi/ONT devices, but as I said the built in router has some limitations and the wifi has very short range. Use passthrough and the router of your choice and the gateway pretty much becomes a dumb modem (sort of, still does some routing stuff in the background)
I asked because I had already given him a link to a step by step on dhcp reservation for the 320 in a different thread. Here
Thanks. To all of you.
My apologies I thought that I included the instructions to allocate a fixed ip in that post.
Sounds like you figured it though, if not it’s under
Home Network > IP allocation> choose client and then towards the bottom select the drop down then select private fixed ip you want > then Save.
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