Authz: 400 Bad Request For TBS, TRU TV, and Cartoon Network (Spectrum)

fixed on prerelease 2022.04.19.2047

Thank you, thank you, back working for me again.

Yes, thank you devs. Confirmed success with latest prerelease.

We discovered that our automation that synchronizes authentication updates for TVE has been failing recently and the error reporting of those failures was also failing.

We've confirmed we've fixed both of those issues and it will hopefully allow us to minimize this class of failure in the future.


Thank you, @eric and all the devs!! I just ran into this yesterday and saw this thread. I updated and it solved it!

Thank you for getting this working again!

We've deployed a couple more fixes that should prevent the issue that caused these problems from happening again in the future.


Hi folks. I just signed up for Channels and am encountering this issue with the Turner channels. Tried to resync, but same error. Any suggestions?

Most likely you just need to update to prerelease but follow the steps if that doesn’t work

Yes, as @Rice mentioned, when using ChannelsDRV as a general rule I make sure I am on the latest prerelease. I don’t think of prereleases as unstable as opposed to the “stable” releases. They are simply the latest releases with that most recent bug fixes a features. And they have corrections for when outside companies, services and networks change things up.

That worked! Thanks so much.