Auto prune deleted?

Is there a way to have Channels server automaticlly prune deleted items after each scan for local content?

I have some systems in place that automatically load content to the directory that Channels monitors for local content. Sometimes the files are updated with better quality ones. Channels keeps listings for both versions rather than only the one that is actually present. This means Up Next presents the wrong item for viewing and results in a playback error if selected as the file it references is no longer present.

Would also be nice if the DVR recorded version could be auto deleted once a local content version of the same episode is available.

I don’t think there is a way to do this automatically in the UI but you could capture the API request that is used when it is done manually, and set up a scheduled job of some kind to run it on a manual interval, I assume.

Just found this post when trying to do the same thing. Has anyone been able to find the API call for this, or is there an update on the roadmap for automating prune deleted media? Would be super handy for some of the library maintenance stuff I want to automate.

You can set up a cron job or windows task ... but one thing to remember if using external storage and it becomes disconnected for some reason it will prune all the recordings. So I would add a check to make sure the recording folder exists. Windows example below.

if not exist W:\DVR exit
curl -XPUT
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That's perfect! CRON job set.