Automatic DVR Beta Updates

This is a request - is there any way we can get a setting to automatically update beta releases on dvr? I understand the idea of having to take these updates only if necessary but i have a copy of channels dvr running at my parents house and without beta updates tve breaks pretty often and having to remote in to manually pull the updates is starting to wear :rofl:

I have the following command run as a scheduled task daily. It work's great.

curl -XPUT

Of course change the server IP address. You can schedule it how you like. It should look for the latest prerelease and install it as soon as the system is not recording/live viewing. Will restart the CDVR if necessary.

Another thread on this topic is

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Thank you - i made use of this command on both my servers and test

Problem solved

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For all the macOS users out there that would also like to do this, first create a file named "channelsdvr.prelease.updater.plist" in ~/Library/LaunchAgents containing the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- change the IP address below to your DVR server's address if the script runs on a different machine -->

Now enter the following command in a terminal:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/channelsdvr.prerelease.updater.plist

This will update to the latest pre-release each day at 3:00am