Enhancement Request: Settings Option - Auto update version

Not sure how easy this would be to implement, but would like to have an option in the DVR settings to turn on (or off) auto updates for the DVR version for the stable and the beta release (give user the option). I personally update to the beta release as I use TVE and find the updates keep our TV watching stable.

This would help me be more lazy than I am and not have to check it daily.

I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The pre-release versions do not auto-update: you must manually choose to update for pre-release versions. Because the pre-releases can change so frequently, it does not make much sense to auto-update those. The stable releases do auto-update, but only from your current version to the stable version when it is released. Are you saying you want to disable updates to stable?

If you truly want to update to the latest pre-release automatically, there are several threads here related to that. In short, set up a cronjob or similar to send PUT /updater/check/prerelease.

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I too would like Channels DVR to auto update pre-release, nativly in the server software. There are work arounds to accomplish this which I use. But I would still love to have the feature nativly in Channels DVR.

This question has been brought up many times. The answer has always and will probably continue to be.

Channels DVR currently auto updates stable. If you want to auto update beta, figure it out yourself.

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@Jay1987 Would you mind sharing your work arounds?

Here's something that will check every hour:

$ cat update-dvr.sh
while true ; do
  curl -XPUT "http://${DVR}:8089/updater/check/prerelease"
  sleep 3600

$ ./update-dvr.sh &

Or if you want to do the same in a cronjob, add the following to your crontab:

0 * * * * curl -XPUT ""

We are spoiled by the fact that the Fancy Devs write such high quality code, we update to the latest pre-release without a second thought. I don't remember a time when a pre-release actually broke something important. But with automatic pre-release updates, I bet it would happen when my wife's favorite show is set to record and I'm out of town without internet access.


Agreed. And then the Channels devs would have to have to spend time responding to folks complaining about it...

Yes, and I agree with this implementation. I think it's the wisest approach. Too many people would instinctively turn on prerelease auto-update, just to always have the "latest and greatest," without fully understanding and accepting the caveats. And it's not like those interested in this are being prevented from doing so. The DIY solution works, it's just a tiny bit more complicated... for good reason.


I don't disagree folks will "turn it on by default" but maybe I am wrong, but don't the devs recommend running the pre-release version if you're using TVE? It's the reason I check for updates daily so my TVE issues are minimal. Usually when a TVE station "has an error" updating the pre-release version has solved it more times than not in my experience.

I've implemented the cronjob on my server which will take care of this, but maybe add this as a pinned topic or include in the setup documentation (with explanation). I searched throughout this forum and got 0 relevant posts, hence posting again?

I’d like auto prerelease updates as well due to TVE issues. Whenever I discover TVE channels missing, updating the server has always fixed the issue.

I’ve never noticed a regression error after updating but I understand the potential. One way to limit this potential is to automatically upgrade only after a period of several days has passed after the release. The duration depends on the average release schedule. If the time is too long, newer releases will always reset the clock and an update never occurs. The delay should be set based on the average release period or at least one to four times per month.

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+1 for making it a selectable option to auto-update pre-releases. Then if it doesn't work for you, disable it.
Anyone have any work-around for Windows?


I run a curl command every hour ....

curl -XPUT
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A couple times a year a pre-release build will cause issues for some people and will sometimes not even restart properly. It would be a shame to show up to your TV and try to watch something and find out that your DVR had auto-updated to a broken build while you were away.

If you're actually having to hit "update", you're seeing if the update worked or not and can reach out to us if you run into problems.

We've continued to try to make improvements to the product and to TVE specifically to reduce the need to update pre-release builds, and are pushing out stable builds more frequently when the need arises to try to reduce the need for people to be feeling like they need to update to each pre-release build we push out.

All of these things are the reason why we don't have an auto-update and are unlikely to do so.