Best Provider for TVE

DRM on Spectrum was such a bummer, felt like it crippled so much of TiVo's capabilities, especially when I tried to access my own DVR and its content remotely. I spent so much on TiVo hardware (in terms of time and money) and DRM always seemed to throw a monkey wrench into my plans.

Spectrum is pretty bad with that CC flag, it was so very frustrating.

The day I learned about TVE, and switched over to Channels and finally disconnected TiVo network as my home's DVR platform, and freed myself from that cable card, and that tuning adapter, and TiVo's limited tuners, and those Spectrum fees, was a good day indeed. I love how it all works, with the recordings ready and available for whatever I wish, as standard .mpg files. I love how easy it is to stream any of it from anywhere on nearly any device. Channels does it right!

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