Beta Bug Report: Re-ordering TV collections doesn't work in this case

I had mentioned this one in an earlier thread that is no longer pinned, but I can finally reproduce it on-demand so I'm posting here with more detail in case it is helpful.


I had originally used Favorites to split out archived shows and ones we are actively watching now. However, there was no way to order them - they always just show in the order they were added to Favorites.

With the new Collections feature (which is awesome!) we can now make multiple collections and order them. However, I can now reproduce the bug that is preventing the re-ordering of any of our TV Show collections.


Re-ordering TV Show collections doesn't work if there are shows in the collection that are not currently visible when re-ordering (i.e. has at least one show that does not currently have episodes). You can drag the visible shows, but they won't stay where you drop them in this case.


The behavior of only showing TV Shows in a collection with current episodes is great- we use them as watching queues. However, since we Trash an episode after watching, our queued collections currently always encounter this bug and thus cannot be re-ordered. The workaround right now is me deleting all shows and trying to re-select them in order each time a show pops up or an addition is made to the collection.