Beta - Channel Collections

Initial support for this feature is now available on Android TV, in the latest apk beta.

It is not yet available on Android mobile/tablet.


Got collections up and running on the Shields. Thanks!

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What if we can integrate library content into collections ? Just a thought

eg. Collection: TV Classics: Channel X, Channel Y, Folder >TV Classic

Is the firestick 4k considered Android TV for the collections feature beta?

Yes. You can install the beta via Settings > Support > Install Beta in the Channels app on your FireTV.

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Any way to surface this in the web UI: Guide, On Now and On Later?

Currently, one has to change Favorite Channels server side to affect that, but since Favorite Channels server side are used to determine which channels to record from, it's a PITA to change them all the time.

Would also be useful for testing how it will look on the clients while you build the collections on the server.

We’ll utilize channel collections more. One step at a time.


I couldn't wait and took an hour off from work to play with this. I have it running on my Apple TVs, TS4K, and iOS, and loving it. I think this is going to be a game changer for me. I had given up on trying to keep Favorites updated after I added Pluto and just added a few channels from Pluto to Favorites and left it at that. Now I have quickly setup a half dozen or so collections and will be confident that going to different TVs they will all be in sync. I've already turned off the old Favorites and its a memory from the past.

For something this wide sweeping and I assume complex, great job on how solid it is... I've not had any issues with this yet. Its amazing that if you change a collection, its instantly appearing on the clients.


Forgot my question. Can you change the order the Collections appear in the client menu? I'm not seeing a way to do that and would definitely like to arrange them.

You would have to remove and readd in the order you want.

OK, that's not a big deal. When I first read this, I thought you meant to delete the collections completely and add them back in the order I wanted. Then I realized you meant to just remove them in the settings and add them back. Phew! :joy:

Is it possible to have more than one collection show in the quick guide? If so, I'm not seeing it. If not, it would be nice.

There is not.

I am finding that Quick Guide is broken on Android (TS4K). If I set Quick Guide to Current Collection, when I bring it up it just shows some info about PBS 4.1... no scrollable guide. If I pick a specific collection, it appears to work, but the channels in the quick guide aren't the ones in the collection. Its strange because if I picked the Collection I call News, it shows News shows, but not the ones in my Collection. Its like if there was an old filter that is the same name as my Collection, it shows that. If there isn't, then it seems to just show that one PBS 4.1.

Is it a limitation of the code that collections and filters cannot coexist ?

This should be fixed in the new apk beta. Let me know if it works as you expect.

For Apple TV, it seems like the Current Collection in Quick Guide setting lags behind the actual selected channel collection.

For example, I'll be in my "News" collection, then switch to my "Sports" collection to watch ESPN. When I swipe down on the quick guide while watching ESPN, I'll see ESPN but then all of my news channels still. If I exit back to the guide and select again, it usually switches to the right collection.

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Thanks for that report and detail, it’s helpful in terms of how we manage the current collection in quick guide.

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Thanks for android beta with collections. I don’t see “kids” as option in navigation bar. Will this becoming soon. Thanks

It will come along with Enhanced Browsing.