Beta - Channel Collections

Is it possible to have more than one collection show in the quick guide? If so, I'm not seeing it. If not, it would be nice.

There is not.

I am finding that Quick Guide is broken on Android (TS4K). If I set Quick Guide to Current Collection, when I bring it up it just shows some info about PBS 4.1... no scrollable guide. If I pick a specific collection, it appears to work, but the channels in the quick guide aren't the ones in the collection. Its strange because if I picked the Collection I call News, it shows News shows, but not the ones in my Collection. Its like if there was an old filter that is the same name as my Collection, it shows that. If there isn't, then it seems to just show that one PBS 4.1.

Is it a limitation of the code that collections and filters cannot coexist ?

This should be fixed in the new apk beta. Let me know if it works as you expect.

For Apple TV, it seems like the Current Collection in Quick Guide setting lags behind the actual selected channel collection.

For example, I'll be in my "News" collection, then switch to my "Sports" collection to watch ESPN. When I swipe down on the quick guide while watching ESPN, I'll see ESPN but then all of my news channels still. If I exit back to the guide and select again, it usually switches to the right collection.

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Thanks for that report and detail, itā€™s helpful in terms of how we manage the current collection in quick guide.

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Thanks for android beta with collections. I donā€™t see ā€œkidsā€ as option in navigation bar. Will this becoming soon. Thanks

It will come along with Enhanced Browsing.

Not all of the channels from all of my OTA tuners are available in the selection box when creating/adding to a collection. Its as if it maxes out due to the pluto and stirr channels. And then cuts off by the time it gets to 54.1 on my Quatro. But there are more OTA channels on that Quatro and even more on two other Extends. I just can't see them in the list/search to pick a channel.

When I try to install the beta on fireTV stick 2, I get error parsing package, is there any way to install it?

Are they hidden? Any channels marked as hidden are not shown. There shouldnā€™t be any good reason why a channel wouldnā€™t be shown.

It takes every channel in all your sources and then removes hidden ones and dedupes the rest.

Is this a currently supported platform?

Hidden on some tuners, but not all. These are channels that are visible on the guide on both Web admin and on ATV. The list starts with Stirr channels from m3u. Then Pluto channels follow. Then the beginning of OTA channels... up to channel 54.4. Buts thats not all the channels there. And there are more on other tuners that don't show at all. Like the DC channels on my Extends.

Please submit diagnostics and report the ID here. Iā€™ll check out your lineup.


for example, try to add channel 5.1, Fox WTTG, to a collection with that config. It is favorited on 2 extends. But not in the list.

I wondered about this too. I know they are still working on this so Iā€™m guessing the existing filters will maybe be converted to ā€œsmartā€ collections in the future, that will be automatically created for you to start with. You can then add your own as needed and choose which ones to display. Thatā€™s my dream anyway. :rofl:

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I am loving this feature. It's a dream come true and practically therapeutic to be able to curate the exact channels we want, into the perfect categories, for easiest browsing. It really personalizes the whole live TV experience in a way no previous platform ever has. It simplifies "channel surfing" and content discovery in a wise way when there are literally thousands of channels and streams to choose from. And it's so slick and elegant, the way edits on the webUI are immediately reflected on the TV screen. No need to refresh, quit or relaunch... it just works.

I noticed client-side channel reorganization (on-screen, via the remote) is no longer available. I'm fine with that, just guessing that's because it would imply two-way sync, which is no longer on the table.

All that said, I've got my Channel Collections dialed in and happy with the setup. I do have one issue though in my "News" collection. I have CNN via DirecTV TVE. It shows as channel 6030 CNNHD. I also have a different CNN via Pluto as a Custom Channel. It is not the same stream as DTV's CNN, it's a curated and constantly-updated playlist of sorts, which I often prefer to watch over real, live CNN. And it shows as channel 10559 CNN. The issue is that while I have access to both of these via the "All" section on Channels, I can't add both of them to "News" (or any other collection, for that matter.) It's either 6030 or 10559, but not both. I'm thinking Channels in this context is seeing these as the same exact channel, but they're not.


Sounds good in theory, but ideally there would be a way to also manually add channels to those "smart" collections, to avoid duplicate collection names, which could overcomplicate the UI for others...

What I'm imagining is an option in the webUI, on each Channel collection page. "Click to add" (which would allow us to choose a smart filter.) The list of available smart filters would include Movies, Sports, Drama, News, Kids, and maybe even some new ones like Comedy, Music, etc. And then, we could reposition that entry by dragging it, just like the others, anywhere up or down in the list. That would reposition the block of smart-added channels, for an intelligently-merged display of all the channels in that collection.

Add the ability for us to create additional smart filters based on our metadata search ideas, and, well, we might as well award Channels every prize.

All this to say, I appreciate that these interface changes require an enormous amount thought, more than most users consider when tossing around ideas! And what I acknowledge and appreciate most is how methodically and intelligently the Channels devs have been introducing new ones. It's truly fantastic work.


Yes, its amazing what you can come up with if you put thought into things. The development of this feature can become a standout feature. Using a bit of AI you can potentially auto populate the quick guide with frequently used, recommended or similar channels.

You can also potentially use the metadata from the currently watched channel to suggest similar content currently airiing and from your Library content etc.

It is not necessary to treat the library content differently from an integrated experience standpoint