Chrome Capture for Channels

I got it working at 60. I enabled stream to be 10.6mbit. if I stream CBS sunday ticket, it needs it, spectrum only uses like 5-6 on stats.

Okay, so how did you get it working? Everybody else is reported that they only get 30 too.

NM checked stats, it shows 30. I need to setup bitrate to lower if not cbs. cbs uses 10.6mbit roughly for streaming but directv/spectrum only use about 5.65 also directvstream wont let you use more than one tab - it knows somehow. not sure how to get around it unless it opens a new browser instead of tab

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Using another pc / browser works and incognito works, but new tab or new window gives the only stream one at a time error.

My CC4C setup is on a separate PC from my Channels DVR server. When watching sports I can detect a slight bit of judder, but when watching regular programming it's not noticeable. Even for sports, while not perfect, it is watchable. I'd have to check my main.js file again, but I think I have it set for 12Mbps, with Fubo as the source. Seemed to help when capturing sports, to have the bit rate higher.

I agree with that. I dont think over 10.6 will get much better, as its pretty variable and will go to like 11.3 , thats for 1080i sources like cbs, most channels are much lower, like I said 5.65 never needed more. TVE sources may go to about 6.7 though.

I will likely have to add code to make it run --incognito

Also since freevee/tubi/hulu/prime (will) have ads , there should be a way for us to type the title we want, and cc4c records and we can watch later. we need some sort of search function to make it work, devs? I really just need an input feature, I could build a scrapper that scrapes hulu movies/shows and prime etc. then needs select and then cc4c can record in the back end.

  1. You would need to do a rehaul of channels , but it would be like adding a source, netflix, hulu, paramount etc, and it runs like an m3u, and executes like my directv code.

It works doing

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="ESPN",ESPN

You could do something like,

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Netflix",Netflix

  1. Make a scrapper/pull from database of netflix/hulu select the movie from the list, on select that value becomes default and the code runs.


I have this installed on a Linux system via Docker and i'm getting this error trying to launch any of the default NBC streams. It previously worked though I recently ran a bunch of apt-get updates and I'm thinking I moved chrome to an unsupported version.

cc4channels | throw new Errors_js_1.TimeoutError(error.message);
cc4channels | ^
cc4channels |
cc4channels | TimeoutError: Timed out after 30000 ms while waiting for the WS endpoint URL to appear in stdout!
cc4channels | at ChromeLauncher.launch (/home/chrome/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/cjs/puppeteer/node/ProductLauncher.js:153:23)

Stop the container and start it again, and you'll be back to where it was when you downloaded it.

Spectrum has blocked Fox Sports TVE streams from outside the home network. I was able to get FOX Sports working, with a little bit of work.

First, I had to disable the blocking of other extensions by commenting out the --disable-extensions-except argument on line 31 on main.js (also get rid of the extra comma above), and on line 75 of node_modules/pupeteer-stream/dist/PuppeteerStream.js. Then you can install uBlock Origin from the Chrome Store.

In uBlock Origin, you need to add this as a filter. The Fox Sports side has a preview video below the main video that confuses C4CC. Sometimes it will play the wrong video, and sometimes it will not stay in full screen, if you don't block that page element.

After that, it should work like any other network. Here's what I have:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="FS1",FS1

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="BTN",BTN

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="FS2",FS2

I have installed and got it working with Spectrum TV online with Fox Sports in Portainer stack but has a low frame rate probably I would say 30 or lower. I am wondering if it’s my old Mac Pro from 2009 which is causing these issues. What are the computer requirements for this to work and would a Mini PC be up to the challenge to get this to work?

I'm not sure how the encoding works on the backend, but probably a GPU with hardware h264 encoding would be helpful. I think modern integrated CPUs have h264 encoders but but not sure, I'm more familiar with dedicated GPUs. I get a decent 60 FPS (doesn't seem 100% stable but needs more testing). When I start the stream, my GPU fan spins up so I believe it's using the GPU to encode the stream. My GPU is a RX6600XT which is certainly overkill for this use (I may put together a spare PC with a GTX 650 I have lying around and see how that works).

well done.

I use a 1070 and pagefile (havent tricked out windows 10 with all the tweaks, but I get a few dropped frames)

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Thank you! I had to delete both the container as well as the image, then it pulled a fresh copy and worked cleanly.

Chrome Version 118.0.5993.71 (Official Build) (64-bit) appears to not work with CC4C. We are back to windowed video. Anyone else seeing this before I blow out my CC4C PC?


Thanks for the heads up. I turned off updates at version 114, so cannot say.

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Same here, I don't use Chrome for browsing on the server so disabled updates at 114 and probably won't look back.

I'm still working with that version, at least in Windows using the NBC links.


I found if I force fullscreen in Chrome and leave it, all is well. Still not able to use YTTV with Chrome. It won't allow a login when using CC4C. Good luck!

You have to add the full screen code to main.js. I posted it a while back